Page 3 - Defense & Security 2023 - Day 1
P. 3

...Cont’d from PG 1

           “At present, it is likely that we will

           procure the F-16 or the Gripen that are

           currently in service and for which spare

           parts and maintenance equipment are
           available in the inventory.”

        Exclusive Interview:                     development, enhancement of air oper-
        Air Chief Marshal Punpakdee Pattanakul   ations based on the network centric
        Commander-in-Chief Royal Thai Air Force  operations, tactical data links develop-
                                                 ment, utilization of aircraft in various
        What are your present objectives and mod-  missions, for  example, UAV in public   Air Chief Marshal Punpakdee Pattanakul
        ernization plans for the RTAF?           assistance, DA-42 and BT-67 in wildfire   Commander-in-Chief Royal Thai Air Force
                                                 extinguishment and suppression of air
                                                 pollution caused by smoke, helicopters   retire F-16 fighters after a long service,
          The RTAF is a dynamic organization.  We   in transporting patients, Airbus A340 in   while the replacement plan was previ-
          have the RTAF strategy and capability   overseas evacuation, and dispatch of   ously aimed at the F-35 aircraft.  With
          development plan in various aspects for   RTAF personnel in providing assistance   the rejection by the US, the RTAF has to
          use as an operational guideline and in the   and relief of disasters.  However, it is too   consider other options.
          RTAF development.  As a consequence    soon to claim that we have achieved the
          of the current security environment,   most important accomplishments due
          the RTAF has come up with its vision   to the fact that security environment is   At present, it is likely that we will procure
          to become powerful and efficient.  The   highly dynamic.  We, in turn, have to keep   the F-16 or the Gripen that are currently
          concept of force preparation is made to   on our improvement.                 in service and for which spare parts and
          accurately correspond to the present and                                      maintenance equipment are available in
          future threat evaluation, traditional and                                     the inventory. The selection process will
          non-traditional threats, military opera-  What is the present status of the RTAF’s   be conducted under the consideration
          tions other than war, prevention and   fleet of fighter aircraft and what are some   of a specific working group to guarantee
          solution for disasters, public assistance,   of  the  upgrades  and  new  acquisitions   cost effectiveness and highest suitability.
          and national development in accordance   being planned?
          with government policies.   The RTAF                                        What has been the RTAF experience with
          will strive for its readiness in protecting   There are  three main Wings:  Wing 4,   the Saab Gripen as it is the only user of this
          national sovereignty and security, com-  Wing 7, and Wing 1.  At Wing 4 in Takhli,   fighter aircraft in the region?
          petitiveness  in providing  cooperation   Nakhon Sawan, the F-16 fighters which
          with neighboring countries, and capabil-  are capable of taking off within five min-
          ity in joint-operations with allied nations   utes have their operations zone cover the   The Gripen fighters are the advanced 4.5
          including both combat and non-combat   entire western and northern regions.    generation combat aircraft and have been
          missions, especially, humanitarian assis-                                     stationed for twelve years. Until today, the
          tance and disaster relief that require   Wing 7 in Surat Thani, where the Gripen   Gripen has been successfully operational
          prompt and effective response.         fighters are stationed is responsible for   in all dimensions including the readiness,
                                                 operations in the southern region and   protection of the southern airspace and
        What are some of the most important      protection of national interests in the   maritime national interests, and pro-
        recent achievements in improving the     Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand.    vision of supports in accordance with
        capability of the RTAF?                  Wing 1 in Nakhon Ratchasima serves to   the Government policies, for example,
                                                 protect the eastern and the northeastern   reconnaissance and aerial photography
          So far, we have done many things, namely,   regions of the country using F-16 fighters   of areas to monitor illegal maritime activ-
          aircraft capability upgrade, quality personnel   of which at Wing 1, the Air Force plans to   ities in the Andaman Sea, etc.

                                          Editorial Director                                   Art Director
                                          Vittorio Rossi Prudente                              Sudheesh Kularmunda
         PUBLISHED BY             Arun Sivasankaran
                                          Editorial Team                                       Sales Director
                                          Jay Menon                 Atul Chandra               Akshay Satyamurthy

        DEFENSE & SECURITY 2023                                                                        NOVEMBER-06-2023 3
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