Page 4 - Defense & Security 2023 - Day 1
P. 4

What steps are the RTAF taking to grow its
        fleet of UAVs?

          The RTAF has procured, developed, and
          built UAV in response to missions and
          necessity. Currently, UAVs are playing a
          greater role and have gained capacity in a
          diversity of missions. Procurement of
          additional UAV in the future must be
          based on operational necessity.  The pro-
          cured aircraft must be capable of both
          operations and public assistance.  In the
          future, the RTAF UAV might be catego-
          rized into three groups:               The RTAF will consider both new C-130  countries through the exchange of visits
                                                 and other less expensive aircraft and then   that allow the understanding and discus-
          1) UAV for training and research and   compare details of those aircraft. As for   sions among associated officers.  Flying
          development.                           the long-range cargo aircraft, there is only   within Thailand’s territory is one of the
                                                 one Airbus A340 pre-owned by the Thai   priorities for the RTAF.  There have been
          2) UAV for Intelligence, Surveillance,   Airways.  Therefore, it is necessary for the   discussions to affirm that flight opera-
          and Reconnaissance (ISR) and Military   RTAF to procure a new aircraft to replace   tions by each country will comply with
          Operations Other Than Wars (MOOTWA).   the older one to keep currency for over-  international rules and regulations.
                                                 seas evacuation in case of impact from

          3) UAV capable of being equipped with   disputed areas as previously happened.  What are some of the homegrown develop-
          weapons.  Important issues that need   Meanwhile, the RTAF will maintain the  ments in aerospace and defence that the
          to be done along with the aircraft pro-  current number of helicopter squadrons  RTAF is supporting in Thailand?
          curement are internal and external pilot   including those used in support of VVIP
          training and readiness for operational   missions, training mission, medical evac-  The RTAF cooperates and supports oper-
          supports.  The RTAF has established    uation training, and search and rescue   ations of the Thai Aviation Industries
          Watthana  Nakhon  airfield  that  subse-  missions.                           (TAI) in many matters to become the
          quently became Wing 3 which, in turn, is                                      international standard aircraft mainte-
          currently designated the operational base  The RTAF is now involved in more and more  nance center.  In September this year,
          for the RTAF UAV.                    aerial exercises with friendly nations. What  the TAI reached its 20th anniversary of
          .                                    are the benefits to the RTAF from this?  service in aircraft maintenance at the
        The RTAF is acquiring new Beechcraft T-6                                        standard level as well as its economic
        Texan trainers from the US. How is this   The RTAF conducts joint exercises with   growth.   The company has created
                                                 friendly and neighboring countries to
                                                                                        domestic job opportunities and cut down
                                                 enrich good relationship and mutual    the cost in sending aircraft for overseas
                                                 trust.  Such activities also provide oppor-  maintenance.
          The RTAF newly commissioned twelve     tunities to learn the means to conduct
          T-6 aircraft in August this year as the   cooperative  operations that requires   In the future procurement, the RTAF will
          Type 22 trainer aircraft to be stationed   preparation for the future operations.     highlight the offset programmes that the
          at the RTAF Flying Training School.  The   Additionally, those joint exercises allow   selling  country  are  subject  to  employ
          T-6 is an advanced trainer aircraft and the   participants to share experiences that   defence industries companies from
          package comes with simulators, logistic   provide the alternative perspectives in   Thailand to be part of the procurement
          system, standard maintenance system,   learning new technologies and tactics   programmes or provide technology trans-
          and technology in analysis and evalua-  along with various means for mission   fer to us.  In addition, they might jointly
          tion. All of these components lead to cost   accomplishments.   These outcomes   invest in the defence or other industries
          effectiveness in operations and saving of   can be selectively adopted into the RTAF   in Thailand as deemed appropriate by the
          RTAF budget in pilot training.         operations not only for air combat, but   Thai Government and the RTAF.  This will
                                                 also for humanitarian assistance and   allow Thailand to earn overall benefits.
        Please provide an insight into the RTAF’s   disaster relief missions.
        fleet of helicopters and transport aircraft                                     The RTAF recognizes the importance of
        as well as the upgrades and new acquisi-  What are some of the challenges being   space technology. Including gathering
        tions being planned?                   faced  by  the  RTAF  and  what  steps  are   knowledge for the dimension of stabil-
                                               being taken to address the situation?    ity in space, which is directly related to
          C-130 aircraft have been operated in the                                      national security both militaries, eco-
          RTAF for a very long time.  Despite the   Our air defence system operates on a   nomic, social and psychological.  The
          fact that the avionics have been regu-  24/7 basis by way of surveillance radars   RTAF has sent NAPA-1 and NAPA-2 satel-
          larly upgraded, the aircraft themselves   and air defence personnel.  In case an   lites into space with detection equipment
          have significantly aged.  It is, therefore,   entry of an unknown aircraft is detected,   that can be applied to alleviate disasters
          necessary to plan the procurement for   the international standard identification   very well. It is part of the operations of
          the middle-sized cargo aircraft in con-  and interception procedures are respec-  the RTAF To help the people. This allows
          sideration of optimal economy and cost   tively applied.  Also, the RTAF has fostered   people affected by disasters to receive
          effectiveness for the budget.          good relationship with neighboring     timely and effective assistance.

        4  NOVEMBER-06-2023                                                                    WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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