Page 6 - Defense & Security 2023 - Day 1
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Milkor 380 Debuts New Features
The Milkor 380 designed and developed designed to perform surveillance, recon- line-of-sight (RLOS) communication net-
by South African defence firm Milkor is naissance, and target engagement work which can be used as an alternative to
demonstrating some of its new features operations. Its versatile design allows it to the conventional satellite communications
for the first time.“Milkor has firmly posi- handle long-range missions effectively with (SATCOM), also included on the system, for
tioned itself as a prominent industry player an endurance of up to 35 hours. Equipped reduced costs during extended operations.
and our latest development, the Milkor 380, with advanced optical equipment, it can
is poised to redefine the landscape in avail- transmit HD, infrared and multispectral
ability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles around video and data. The 380 includes synthetic The NATO Class III RPAS includes auton-
the world,” a company spokesperson told aperture radar (SAR), inverse synthetic omous flight, take-off, and landing
Daily News, emphasizing the platform’s aperture radar (iSAR) with ground and mar- capabilities and seamlessly integrates with
innovative design, focus on safety systems, itime movement target indicators (GMTI/ existing C2 & C4ISR systems, facilitating
operational data, architecture, and struc- MMTI), and multiple options for precision communication with multiple platforms
tural enhancements. “Milkor is dedicated to guided munitions. via a built-in relay link. The UAV supports
ensuring high precision manufacturing of dual redundant datalinks capable of flying
all components which allows for extended The Milkor 380’s state-of-the-art ground two different platforms simultaneously,
aftersales support with multiple options control station (GCS) prioritizes opera- enabling data streaming from multiple sen-
for indigenization available to the Asian tor comfort during extended missions, sors fitted to both platforms in real-time. It
market, the spokesperson emphasised. integrating the latest technology for an also boasts five hardpoints for interchange-
operator-friendly environment. A stand- able podded electronic warfare solutions,
The Milkor 380 is a NATO Class III RPAS out feature of the Milkor 380 is its relayed weapon systems, and external containers.
Sentinel 12.7 MM
RCWS Makes
Show Debut
Escribano Mechanical & Engineering of opportunities for collaboration between of the entire system without weapons and
Spain is showcasing its Sentinel 12.7 mm Spain and Thailand,” the spokesperson for ammunition is less than 180 kg.
remote-control weapon system (RCWS) Escribano stated.
for the first time at the ongoing show. A Escribano’s Sentinel 2.0 RCWS can mount
company spokesperson confirmed that The Sentinel 12.7 mm RCWS is a lightweight different calibers, though its standard
this is the first time the weapon system is and compact system, which features 2-axis configuration is with 12.7mm (M2) or a
being displayed in Bangkok and said that gyro-stabilization and can operate during grenade launcher (MK19). There remains
the company’s market activities with the both day and night conditions for combat, the option however, to mount other cali-
Thai military were related to RCWS and surveillance, target identification, and track- bers: 5.56mm (MG4), 7.62mm (MG3),
Electro-Optical (EO) systems. “Our goal for ing missions. It has been specially designed 14.5 (KPVT), Gatling Dillon M134D, smoke
the next few years is to establish a stable system to be integrated into a wide range launchers (40, 76, 80mm). The Sentinel 2.0
position in the Thai defence market, as we of platforms, boats, and vessels and has RCWS’ modular design facilitates logistic
have in other parts of the world. We aim short and medium-range defence capabil- commonality with Escribano’s land RWS
to strengthen ties and explore potential ities with high firing accuracy. The weight Guardian 2.0.