Page 10 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 | DAILY NEWS
P. 10

aircraft and vehicles with self-protec-
                                                                                      tion  capability  against  hostile  fire  is
                                                                                      vital to ensuring mission success, and
                                                                                      enhancing crew and platform survivabil-
                                                                                      ity. Operations in a modern battlefield
                                                                                      in the electromagnetic spectrum are a
                                                                                      constantly evolving challenge, with the
                                                                                      need to remain undetected remaining

                                                                                      The Sirius Compact’s small size, weight
                                                                                      and power, make it a particularly attrac-
                                                                                      tive solution, especially in comparison
                                                                                      to  equivalent  larger  static  solutions.
                                                                                      As a result, it can easily be integrated
                                                                                      to drones, vehicles, vessels, masts or
                                                                                      man-portable applications, users can
                                                                                      rapidly deploy the system and scale its
                                                                                      coverage as the situation demands.

                                                                                      The modular, scalable EW system can
                                                                                      be used stand-alone, in a network of
                                                                                      sensors or as a complement to exist-
                                                                                      ing sensors. It affords troops on ground
                                                                                      with enhanced situational awareness
                                                                                      through silent detection, classification
                                                                                      and prioritisation of radar and data-
                                                                                      link emissions. According to company
                                                                                      officials,  it  is  also  a  force-multiplier
           SAAB EYES JAPANESE MARKET                                                  enabling users to locate threats whilst
                                                                                      remaining undetected. Development
           WITH SIRIUS COMPACT                                                        and production of Sirius Compact is
                                                                                      shared between Saab in Sweden and
           Saab’s  Sirius Compact, lightweight   EW system in May 2022. With ongoing   Finland. Saab’s EW offerings encom-
           electronic warfare (EW) passive sensor   conflicts reinforcing the reality showing   pass a wide range of self-protection
           is making its first appearance at the   that operating near and over frontlines   systems for aircraft, helicopters, land
           ongoing DSEI. Saab unveiled the new   are increasingly dangerous, equipping   vehicles, naval vessels and submarines.


        AXON, a global leader in public safety tech-                                  It can preview footage over LTE and upload
        nology is marking its first show appearance                                   wirelessly without a dock, while also offer-
        at the ongoing DSEI. Speaking at the show,                                    ing live streaming to command staff for
        AXON founder and CEO Rick Smith said,                                         real-time active intelligence. The device is
        “Axon’s mission is very simple: to save                                       also equipped with 64GB storage and has
        lives. We are very much looking forward to                                    Wi-Fi connectivity.
        introducing not only our products but also
        our efforts.” The company is introducing its                                  AXON’s products and services lead the
        flagship product, the “Axon Body Camera                                       market in low-lethal conducted energy
        3”, as well as the “Axon Evidence” digi-                                      weapons, police body cameras and digi-
        tal evidence management system at the                                         tal evidence management. The company’s
        exhibition.                                                                   products are used by the London Police
                                                                                      Department in the UK and the Los Angeles
        Axon’s Body Camera 3 automatically buf-                                       Police Department in the US. AXON has its
        fers up to two minutes automatically even                                     headquarters and manufacturing facilities
        if recording is delayed due to pre-event                                      in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, a software
        buffer of up to two minutes. It reduces                                       engineering office in Seattle, Washington,
        image blur and improves images in low                                         and an AI research team in New York City,
        light. Improved shooting performance in                                       NY. The company has overseas offices in
        low light. The device has four internal mics.                                 Amsterdam, England, Vietnam, and Finland.
        10  MARCH-15-2023                                                                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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