Page 21 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 | DAILY NEWS
P. 21


                             DEFENCE COOPERATION

        Japan and the Philippines are working  The Philippines had announced a  that Mitsubishi Electric Corporation was
        towards facilitation of greater cooper-  Government-to-Government procurement  supplying four air surveillance radar sys-
        ation between the Japan Self-Defence   with Japan for air surveillance radars  tems  to  the  Philippines.  The  first  fixed
        Forces (JSDF) and Armed Forces of the   in August 2020. At the recent meeting  radar system and its pre-delivery inspec-

        Philippines(AFP). At the Japan-Philippines   in February, Japan’s Ministry of Defence  tion was completed by the (PAF) in Japan
                                               (Japan MOD) confirmed that the transfer  in September 2022. It stated that the Japan
        Defence Ministers’ Meeting in February,   process of radar systems signed in 2020  Air Self-Defence Force had begun accept-
        both sides entered into the “Terms of   was proceeding steadily. Deliveries origi-  ing PAF students for training in October.
        Reference (TOR) between the Ministry of   nally commenced to the Philippines in 2022.
        Defence of Japan and the Department of   In October 2022, the Japan MOD announce   The Philippine Air Force (PAF) is acquiring
        National Defence of the Republic of the                                       the radars from Japan under its Horizon
        Philippines concerning the Humanitarian                                       2 Air Surveillance Radar System (ASRS)
        Assistance and Disaster Relief Activities                                     Acquisition Project. The air surveillance
        of the Japan Self-Defence Forces in the                                       radars are being supplied by Mitsubishi
        Republic of the Philippines.”                                                 Electric Corporation as part of the con-
                                                                                      tract value at US$103 million. The ASRS
                                                                                      package includes three fixed long-range
        The nations are working together to                                           air surveillance radars, each with building
        strengthen bilateral cooperation in secu-                                     facilities and one mobile air surveillance
        rity and to facilitate joint exercises between                                radar. The planned ASRS sites will cover
        JSDF and AFP. The Philippine Government                                       large areas of the Philippine Rise, Southern
        and Government of Japan have also entered                                     Areas of the country, and the Southern por-
        into a ‘Transfer of Defence Equipment and                                     tion of the West Philippine Sea and allow
        Technology’ agreement which was signed                                        the Philippine Air Force to provide optimal
        in 2016.  Trilateral defense cooperation                                      airspace monitoring, aircraft control, per-
                                                                                      form its air defence mission and enhance
        between Japan, the Philippines, and the                                       the security in Areas of Interest identified
        U.S. is also to be enhanced.                                                  by the DND.


           Japan and China are continuing their cooper-
           ation towards setting up a “Hotline between
           Japanese and Chinese Defence Authorities.”
           Both countries are working towards ensuring
           operational status of the military hotline by
           around Spring of this year.

           The announcement was made following the
           Japan-China Military to Military (MM) Dialogue
           1 held late in February in Tokyo. Officials from
           Japan’s Ministry of Defence exchanged opin-
           ions with the Chinese side on a wide range of
           topics including regional affairs and Japan-
           China defence exchanges.

           The Japanese delegation was led by Ando
           Atsushi, Director General for International
           Affairs, Bureau of Defence Policy, Japan
           Ministry of Defence, while the Chinese dele-
           gation was led by Major General Zhang Baoqun,
           Deputy Director, Office for International Military
           Cooperation (OIMC), CMC. Both sides also
           discussed future Japan-China defence coop-
           eration and exchanges.

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