Page 22 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 | DAILY NEWS
P. 22

AMVXP 8x8 vehicles to support critical
                                                                                      operations for decades to come”, says
                                                                                      Janne Räkköläinen, senior vice president
                                                                                      of market area world at Patria. Patria has
                                                                                      worked for the WAPC programme since
                                                                                      2018 and it has also established a local
                                                                                      subsidiary, Patria Japan Ltd., to support its
                                                                                      activities in Japan.

           PATRIA WITH ITS                                                            Both sides have started licence negotia-
                                                                                      tions. Patria sees the selection of Patria
                                                                                      AMVXP 8x8 as a great opportunity to fur-
         AMV XP 8X8 VEHICLE
         A    M     V X       P 8       X   8 V       E   H   I C    L  E             ther develop cooperation in Japan with
                                                                                      new services and solutions as well as to
                                                                                      establish long-term strategic partnerships
        Patria is upbeat at the show with its AMV  our proven licensing model is great proof  with Japan and its industries, Räkköläinen
        XP 8x8 vehicle, selected by Japan Ground  of Patria’s capability to deliver the latest  said. “Our combat proven AMV family has
        Self-Defence Force as their next wheeled  technology and to enable local security of  gained experience from various operations
        armoured personnel carrier 8x8 vehicle  supply. Patria AMVXP 8x8 has successfully  and has become the trusted solution to pro-
        under the WAPC programme.              proven its superior performance, as well as  tecting nations and soldiers,” the official
                                               its mobility and protection, in various crisis  added.
        Under the project, the Nordic company will  management missions, and Japan will be
        undertake licensed manufacturing of the  the ninth user country of Patria’s AMV  At the event, the vehicle is displayed with
        vehicles in Japan. The Patria AMVXP 8x8  vehicle family. Patria has industry-leading  virtual 3D glasses. Also at the DSEI2023,
        vehicles will be replacing the Type-96 8x8  experience of licensing and cooperation  Patria is showcasing its Patria Sonac
        armoured personnel carrier vehicles which  with local industries in many countries,  ACS acoustic mine sweep, a specially
        are currently in service by the Japan Ground  and we are committed to this in Japan  designed for sweeping influence mines
        Self-Defence Force.                    as well. The Japan Ground Self-Defence  with advanced acoustic triggering. Its com-
                                               Force will receive state-of-the-art and high  pact, lightweight size is designed for use
        “The selection of Patria AMVXP 8x8 and  performance Japanese manufactured  with unmanned craft.



           Raytheon Technologies is designing    programme is a key element of the pro-  Raytheon will leverage existing designs,
           and developing a seven-vehicle missile   liferated warfighter space architecture.  available commercial products and
           tracking satellite constellation to help                                   common components to reduce tech-
           track emerging threats like hypersonic   “Developing a resilient and affordable   nical risk and speed delivery.  The
           missiles.  Japan is also considering the   proliferated satellite constellation in   seven-vehicle satellite constellation
           deplyment of a network of satellites to   low-Earth orbit will improve our ability   will feature Raytheon’s wide field of view
           track next-generation hypersonic mis-  to track emerging threats like hyper-  overhead persistent infrared sensor,
           siles capable of evading current defence  sonic missiles,” said Dave Broadbent,   Blue Canyon  Technologies’ Saturn-
           systems.                              president of Space & C2 at Raytheon   class microsatellite bus, and SEAKR
                                                 Intelligence & Space. “Continuing to   Engineering’s electronics payload.
           The United States, Japan’s closest ally,   develop this architecture with SDA and
           awarded Raytheon  Technologies a                                           Japan in its FY2022 budget had allo-
           deal valued at more than US$250 mil-  our industry partners will be a high pri-  cated ¥0.1 billion for research on
           lion to design, develop and deliver the   ority for us in the coming months.”  Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology
           seven-vehicle missile tracking satellite                                   for tracking moving targets using sat-
           constellation, as well as support launch   Raytheon Technologies has been devel-  ellite constellations, conduct research
           and ground operations by the Space    oping missile warning systems for    on AI technology that uses satellite con-
           Development Agency.                   decades. Since acquiring Blue Canyon   stellations to predict the positions for
                                                 Technologies and SEAKR Engineering,   multiple moving targets automatically
           Once deployed, the low-Earth orbit    Raytheon Technologies has expanded   and in frequent intervals, and makes
           constellation of networked satellites   its space payload and satellite bus   it possible to keep track of these tar-
           will become the fifth plane of satellites   capabilities and expertise, becoming a   gets. The Japanese government is also
           providing missile warning and tracking   leading provider of space systems to a   considering joining the U.S. satellite
           for the U.S. Department of Defense. The   growing number of programmes.    constellation initiative.

        22  MARCH-15-2023                                                                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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