Page 17 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 | DAILY NEWS
P. 17

12 T56-A-427A engines (10 installed, 2
                                                                                      spares); 6 multifunction information dis-
                                                                                      tribution system joint tactical radio system
                                                                                      terminals (5 installed, 1 spare); 5 APY-9
                                                                                      radars (installed); 5 AN/AYK-27 Integrated
                                                                                      Navigation Control and Display Systems
                                                                                      (installed); 12 LN-251 embedded global
                                                                                      positioning systems/inertial navigation
                                                                                      systems with embedded airborne selective
                                                                                      availability anti-spoofing Module or M-Code
                                                                                      Receiver (10 installed, 2 spares); and six
                                                                                      ALQ-217 electronic support measures sys-
                                                                                      tems (5 installed and 1 spare).

                                                                                      Japan will use the E-2D AHE aircraft to
                                                                                      provide AEW&C situational awareness of
                                                                                      air and naval activity in the Pacific region
                                                                                      and to augment its existing E-2C Hawkeye
                                                                                      AEW&C fleet. The new aircraft will improve
                                                                                      Japan’s ability to effectively provide home-
                                                                                      land defence utilizing an AEW&C capability.
                                                                                      Northrop Grumman Corporation delivered
                                                                                      the first E-2D Advanced Hawkeye to the
           JAPAN TO GET MORE E-2D ADVANCED                                            JASDF in March 2019.

                                                                                      The Japan Ministry of Defence selected the
        The U.S. State Department has approved  political stability and economic progress   Northrop Grumman E-2D to fulfill an emerg-
        a  possible  Foreign  Military  Sale  of  five  in the Asia-Pacific region. The aircraft will   ing next-generation airborne early warning
        E-2D Advanced Hawkeye (AHE) Airborne  be operated by the Japan Air Self-Defence   requirement  in  November  2014.  Japan
        Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) air-  Force (JASDF), which current E-2C and   has operated the Northrop Grumman E-2C
        craft to Japan. The announcement, made  E-2D aircraft in its fleet.           Hawkeye since 1983 and is the largest E-2
        by the U.S. Defence Security Cooperation                                      operator outside the USA. The JASDF has
        Agency (DSCA), has indicated a deal  Along with five Northrop Grumman         a fleet of 13 E-2C aircraft operating since
        value of approximately US$1.381 billion.  Corporation E-2D Advanced Hawkeye   1983, in addition to a handful of E-2Ds,
        Japan is a major U.S. ally and is a force for  AEW&C  aircraft, Japan  has asked for   inducted into service since 2019.


        L3Harris presents its Wescam MX-15                                            resolution, magnification and stabilisation.
        EO/IR imaging system – ideal for                                                 As a result, each Wescam MX-Series
        medium-altitude covert surveil-                                                   turret has outperformed its major
        lance, reconnaissance and search                                                   competitor in every performance area,
        and rescue missions from manned                                                    giving the series the longest EO/IR
        and unmanned airborne platforms.                                                   target identification and designating
        Featuring common electronics and                                                   ranges,” the company said.  L3Harris
        cabling, common user interfaces and                                                said it has an airborne portfolio of
                                                                                           multi-sensor, multi-spectral systems
        video overlays, and common software                                                that are deployed worldwide, at vary-
        and internal components, the family                                                ing ranges, and with overlapping
        is known as the Wescam MX-Series.                                                  fields-of-view, creating the opportunity
                                                                                          for uninterrupted surveillance of bor-
        “Because  today’s  mission  require-                                              ders, forward operating bases, airfields
        ments  demand  identification  and                                               and other vital assets. These imaging
        designation from longer standoff                                                 and targeting systems can be equipped
        ranges, Wescam MX-Series products                                               on different types of platforms, including
        have been engineered to focus on the                                          fixed-wing, rotor-wing, UAV and aerostat
        three factors that drive maximum range:

        DSEi JAPAN 2023                                                                                    MARCH-15-2023 17
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