Page 18 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 | DAILY NEWS
P. 18


        Kawasaki- Toshiba Infrastructure Systems  network, which can identify suspicious tar-  Key Distribution offering applies the fun-
        & Solutions Corporation (TISS) is present-  gets flying around a protected area. Once  damental laws of Quantum Physics to
        ing its counter-unmanned aerial systems  detected and identified, the autonomous  secure network communications. Based
        (C-UAS) solutions at the ongoing DSEI, in  hunting drone tracks and captures targets  on decades of scientific research, Quantum
        addition to highlighting its growing defence  to mitigate the threat.         Key Distribution technology provides orga-
        portfolio. Among the products being show-                                     nizations with the ability to revolutionize
        cased are its C-UAS Solution, Coastal  In addition to developing new drone detec-  their IT infrastructure with the most secure
        surveillance 3D radars, Airborne surveil-  tion systems, Toshiba has also developed  communications known today.
        lance radars, and Quantum Key Distribution  highly safe rechargeable Lithium-Ion batter-
        portfolios.                            ies (SCiB). Toshiba has delivered advanced  Toshiba  started  research  into  quantum
                                               radar systems for naval, airborne, ground  cryptography in 2003 at the Cambridge
        TISS has a growing portfolio of C-UAS  surveillance, air traffic control and weather  Research Laboratory of Toshiba Research
        Solutions that can counter the rapidly pro-  radar applications. The company has been  Europe Limited. Since then it has gone on
        liferating threat from drones. TISS’ C-UAS  producing radar systems since 1937.  to demonstrate a number of notable world
        Solution integrates different types of sen-                                   firsts. Toshiba was the first to announce
        sors with an autonomous hunting drone.  Toshiba is also committed to delivering  quantum key distribution over 100 km of
        The sensors, such as radars and radio fre-  world’s leading cyber-physical-system tech-  fiber in 2004 and the first with a continuous
        quency (RF) sensors, and cameras work  nology to protect the private information  key rate exceeding 1 Mbit/second in 2010
        together to create a multi-layered detection  of citizens and companies. Its Quantum  and 10 Mbit/second in 2017.

        RAFAEL                                 Iron Beam is a 100kW-class high energy  Dome counter drone system has been
                                               laser system and is expected to be the first  operationally used to defend airports, crit-
                                               operational system in its class designed for  ical infrastructure and even been used in
        BRINGS IRON                            ground-based air defence against threats  worldwide events like the 2021 G7 summit.
                                               such as rockets, mortars and unmanned  Rafael has improved the system and with
        BEAM HIGH                              aerial vehicles (UAV) delivering engage-  extended ranges and advanced detection,
                                                                                      as well as laser capabilities. It is combat
                                               ments at the speed of light.
        ENERGY                                   The Iron Beam system was tested in a live   proven and operational in the defence ser-
                                                                                      vices of several countries around the globe.
                                               trial last year, where it successfully inter-
        LASER SYSTEM                           cepted UAVs and other projectiles with the
                                               use of a high energy laser. The high energy
        TO JAPAN                               laser capability has proven its effectiveness
                                               and the Israeli MOD has decided to invest
                                               in acquiring the technology. Rafael’s port-
        Rafael Advanced Defence Systems is  folio also includes the combat proven and
        presenting a wide range of cutting-edge  technologically advanced Trophy active
        defence technologies at the ongoing DSEI,  protection system (APS). The Iron Dome
        including its high energy laser system, Iron  and Trophy achieved recognition in a 2020
        Beam. The Iron Beam was displayed for the  Forbes assessment of the “Most Important
        first time at a global exhibition at the end  New Weapons of the Last Decade.”
        of 2022 and is being showcased in Japan
        for the first time. The IRON BEAM offers  Rafael’s Drone Dome is another product
        a precise and cost effective interception  that deals with aerial threats. It provides
        capability for air defence systems. The  another layer of protection.  The Drone
        18  MARCH-15-2023                                                                      WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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