Page 4 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 4

Off-Shore Patrol Vessels
        The next generation off-shore patrol vessels
        (OPV) that will be operated by the Japan
        Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) will
        be launched in the next two to three years,
        Daiki informed.

        The OPV, being built by primary contrac-                                                                                         spear
        tor Japan Marine United (JMU), will have
        advanced stealth technology and ballistic
        missile management system, he added.                                                                                             network-enabled,

        In July 2021 ATLA had announced a project
        for a new fleet of 12 OPVs.                                                                                                      multi-mission,

        Shipboard Unicorn
        Several countries in the region are showing                                                                                      surface-attack system
        keen interest in the shipboard Unicorn, the
        unified complex radio antenna, Daiki said.

        Unicorn is the Nora-50 integration mast,
        which has a bar-shaped dome that houses
        the antennas for tactical data link, tactical   top of the mast.The shape is designed to  vessels, and UUVs. It has also established
        air navigation system (Tacan), and commu-  reduce the radar cross section, which gives  new unmanned asset units.
        nications. It downsizes the antennae on the   it stealth capability.
                                                                                      “For the first time, our autonomous under-
                                                “Last year, the brand new 3900-ton type   water vehicle of mine countermeasures
                                               frigate was launched for the JMSDF with   Beluga OZZ-5 will soon be integrated with
                                               the integrated mast Unicorn, which helps   the new 30FFM frigate for anti-mine war-
                                               the vessel in achieving advanced stealth   fare. The system, which is developed jointly
                                               capability.  A total  of  four ships  of  the   with France, can detect all targets, including
                                               Mogami-class are currently integrated with   bottom mines, buried mines and stealth
                                               this system,” he added.                bottomed mines,” Daily said.
                                                                                      Ground-based radar system
                                               The system can also be integrated to the
                                               future OPVs.                           The export demand for the long-range
                                                                                      fixed type air surveillance radar has gone
                                               Underwater Unmanned Vehicle            up following the first international order
                                                                                      from the Philippines for the FPS-3 ME and
                                               To establish a multilayered surveillance  TPS-P14ME medium-range mobile-type air
                                               posture, secure underwater and maritime  surveillance radars.
                                               superiority, and reduce loss of human
                                               resources, the MSDF has introduced var-  “We want more countries to buy this
                                               ious unmanned assets such as  UAVs,  system. The Philippines have shown inter-
                                               USVs including the use of existing manned  est in acquiring more units,” he said.


           Japan is looking for customers for the                                     be mounted on these aircraft with the
           aeromedical evacuation unit Type 2,                                        help of a cargo loader. Each unit can              SPEAR is a unique multi-purpose medium-to-long-range
           which can be installed without any mod-                                    take two patients, and has the capability
           ifications on a C-130 and C-2 aircraft.                                    of administering oxygen to three criti-            strike weapon family for modern combat aircraft.
                                                                                      cally ill patients simultaneously for more         Defeats challenging surface targets such as mobile long-range
           “We are looking at natural disaster prone                                  than three hours.                                  air defence systems and naval vessels at over-the-horizon ranges
           countries such as India, Bangladesh,                                                                                          in all weathers and in highly contested environments. Internal
           and Indonesia, which also flies the                                        “Once medical equipment and materi-
           C-130s,  to  acquire  this  aeromedical                                                                                       power and propulsion for maximum range, mission flexibility,
           evacuation unit,” ATLA’s Kasugahara                                        als are installed within the unit, it has          seeker, electronic warfare and networking performance.
           Daiki said.                                                                advanced medical monitoring and
                                                                                      paramedic capabilities on par with and
           Two units of the evacuation module can                                     intensive care unit,” he added.

        4  MARCH-16-2023                                                                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS

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