Page 6 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
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new joint training solutions between our
READY TO DEFEND two countries.
We are also committed to supporting
customers transitioning from legacy
helicopter fleet outside the United States. AWACS configurations to next-generation
It is also the first international customer of technology in order to improve battle man-
both the KC-46A Pegasus tanker and V-22 agement capabilities and extend fleet life.
Osprey. Most recently, we received a U.S. Air Force
(USAF) contract to begin development of
Japan also occupies a unique position as two new E-7 AEW&C aircraft through a $1.2
the biggest supplier to Boeing outside the billion Undefinitized Contract Action. With
United States, comprising more than 150 this contract, the USAF will join a global
companies. Underscoring the strength of ecosystem of 14 operational aircraft that
our relationship, Japan’s fleet of F-15 fight- have a maximum unfuelled flight time of
ers, and Chinook and Apache helicopters about 9 hours and a range of 3,000 nauti-
were made under license by our partner cal miles. The Republic of Korea Air Force,
companies here, and around 300 Boeing Royal Australian Air Force and Turkish Air
airplanes now fly in defense of Japan. Force, and soon the Royal Air Force, uti-
We’re proud of Boeing’s deep and enduring lize the E-7 and its proven next generation
relationship with Japan, and look forward airborne surveillance, communication and
to future opportunities to cooperate on battle management capabilities that are
innovative solutions in Japan and beyond. second-to-none.
Our portfolio of autonomous solutions,
How is the KC-46 and F-15 upgrade pro-
INTERVIEW gramme for Japan progressing? including Insitu’s ScanEagle and Integrator
family of systems, continues to resonate
Vince Logsdon, vice president, Global Boeing delivered the first of six contracted with several customers in Asia Pacific to
Business Development and Strategic KC-46A tankers to the Japan Air Self- provide persistent ISR for earlier detection.
Marketing, Boeing Defence, Space & Defence Force (JASDF) in October 2021, Japan is among several countries presently
Security and Global Services marking the program’s first delivery to a operating Scan Eagle and the Wave Glider
customer outside the United States. We autonomous surface vehicle, produced by
delivered a second aircraft in February our subsidiary Liquid Robotics.
Japan is a vital market for Boeing, with 2022. We were excited to recently see the
the country’s armed forces operating aircraft’s first public display. What are Boeing’s future plans for the
one of the largest F-15 fighter and CH-47 Japanese market?
Chinook helicopter fleets outside the United The F-15J Upgrade Program will deliver
States, in addition to being the first export JASDF the very latest cockpit, weapons Japan’s evolving defense and industrial
customer for the KC-46A Pegasus tanker and mission systems available from today’s policies offer tremendous potential for
and V-22 Osprey. In an exclusive pre-DSEI production F-15’s. This operational capa- cooperation and shared growth. We are
Japan interview with Atul Chandra, Vince bility and survivability against current and ready to offer solutions that improve the
Logsdon, vice president, Global Business future threats will support the defence of operational capability and efficiency of the
Development and Strategic Marketing, Japan for decades. Boeing is honoured to Self Defense Forces. In addition to surviv-
Boeing Defence, Space & Security and integrate the development, test and evalu- able and AI-enabled equipment that deter
Global Services, said Boeing is ready to ation program in support of MHI and USAF. and defend against threats, cost-effective
offer innovative solutions to meet the training and sustainment will deliver the
needs of JASDFHJMSDF. Japan’s evolv- What are Boeing’s key offerings related to efficiency needed for a modernized defense
ing defence and industrial policies offer airborne and naval systems for the JASDF force. Partnering with Japan’s industry for
tremendous potential for cooperation and and JMSDF? a digital product lifecycle will deliver new
shared growth,” he added. ways of working that strengthen the entire
In addition to supporting the current F-15, aerospace industry.
CH-47, KC-46A and V-22 programs for
Please elaborate on Boeing’s presence in Japan, we are ready to offer innovative
the defence sector in Japan?
solutions to meet the needs of JASDF and
For 70 years, Boeing has been a major JMSDF.
supplier of defense equipment and ser-
vices to Japan’s Ministry of Defence. We We are offering T-7 to global customers,
are honoured that Japan operates many most recently Australia, for advanced pilot
of Boeing’s products from sea to space, training solutions. It’s cost-effective, has a
and are committed to providing the most digital open architecture, a reconfigurable
advanced capabilities required by our cus- cockpit for easy updates, and ‘as-real-as-it-
tomers. Notably, Japan has the distinction gets’ virtual simulation. And given that the
of operating one of the largest fleets of F-15 U.S. Air Force (USAF) has already selected
fighters and the largest CH-47 Chinook T-7A as its future trainer, it could lead to