Page 7 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 7

Fired like a flare, BriteCloud contains a
                                                                                      powerful miniature jammer that sends
                                                                                      out convincing ‘electronic decoy’ sig-
                                                                                      nals that seduce incoming missiles
                                                                                      towards the decoy as it falls away
                                                                                      from the aircraft. BriteCloud is unique
                                                                                      in that it employs ‘gold-standard’ RF
                                                                                      technology known as Digital Radio
                                                                                      Frequency Memory (DRFM), which
                                                                                      allows BriteCloud to tailor its ‘electronic
                                                                                      decoy’ signal to the specific threat radar,
                                                                                      allowing it to fool the radar in the most
                                                                                      effective possible way.

                                                                                      BriteCloud is now undergoing evalu-
                                                                                      ation for potential service with U.S.
                                                                                      Armed  Forces  under  the  Office  of
                                                                                      Secretary of Defence (OSD) Foreign
                                                                                      Comparative Testing (FCT) programme.
                                                                                      The U.S. Air National Guard (ANG) has
                                                                                      issued  a  ‘fielding  recommendation’
                                                                                      for Leonardo’s BriteCloud 218 variant,
           LEONARDO’S BRITECLOUD EXPENDABLE                                           tested on US F-16 Fighting Falcon air-
                                                                                      craft. This means that the service, which
           ACTIVE DECOY MAKES SHOW DEBUT                                              has conducted an extensive testing and
                                                                                      live  trials  campaign  with  BriteCloud
           Leonardo is exhibiting its world-first   can be carried by combat, transport and   since 2019, is confident that the decoy
           BriteCloud expendable active decoy for   special mission aircraft. BriteCloud could   meets and, in some instances, even
           the first time in Japan at the ongoing   also be effectively used by the Japan Air   exceeds operational requirements,
           DSEI. A company official said BriteCloud   Self-Defence Force’s F-2 fighter jets and   delivering an increased platform protec-
           was being showcased in Japan in      the Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force’s   tion capability to 4th generation fighter
           response to an increase in requirements   P-1 maritime patrol aircraft. “BriteCloud’s   aircraft like the F-16. The U.S. ANG has
           for sophisticated RF protection across   unique combination of latest-generation   designated the BriteCloud 218 as AN/
           the  Asia  Pacific  region.  BriteCloud   threat protection with extremely low   ALQ-260(V)1 in US service. Leonardo’s
           is a life-saving countermeasure that   integration costs continues to generate   original BriteCloud 55 decoy (a slightly
           provides high-tech protection from                                         larger variant, compatible with round
           radar-guided surface-to-air and air-to-  significant  international  interest  and   55mm flare dispensers such as those
           air missiles. The official said that many   Leonardo is in talks with a number of Air   on the Eurofighter Typhoon and Saab
           regional operators have expressed an   Forces internationally about the capabil-  Gripen C/D), is in service with the UK
           interest  in  BriteCloud,  adding  that  it   ity,” the official noted.    Royal Air Force.

                                                                                      warhead allows for a reduction in the
           MBDA SPEAR-EW                                                              number of different weapons within a
           TARGETS SEAD                                                               load-out while extending the operator’s
                                                                                      air-to-ground capability with a low col-
           MISSIONS                                                                   lateral damage. It also provides high
                                                                                      aircraft survivability.
           MBDA is showcasing its SPEAR-EW
           offering at the ongoing show, in addition                                  MBDA is also showcasing its Naval
           to a wide range of missile armament.                                       Based Air Defence (NBAD) capabil-
           According to a company spokesperson,                                       ity with the CAMM (Common Anti-air
           the SPEAR-EW is being offered as a                                         Modular Missile) and the Sea Ceptor
           solution to a wide range of Suppression   MBDA’s SPEAR family of network-en-  ship-based, all weather, weapon system.
           of Enemy Air Defence (SEAD) missions.   abled precision surface attack missiles   CAMM  provides  a  high  rate  of  fire
           Integrating the proven SPEAR airframe   is being promoted at the show as the   against multiple simultaneous targets,
           with a miniaturised Electronic Warfare   solution for a strike weapon that can   thanks to its novel soft vertical launch
           (EW) payload also provides both stand-in   operate in all conditions, against severe   technology that also provides a minimal
           jammer and decoy capabilities, greatly   countermeasures, and attack moving and   launch signature and 360° coverage.
           increasing platform survivability and   manoeuvring targets. Its beyond-the-hori-  Being a compact munition allows for a
           acting as a significant force multiplier   zon reach ensures its launching fighter   multiple weapons fit in limited spaces,
           in a complex anti access/area denial   jet remains safely away from hostile   and CAMM can be ‘quad-packed’ into
           (A2AD) threat environment.           air defence units. The precision effects   the Mk 41 VLS.

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