Page 9 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 2 | DAILY NEWS
P. 9



                                                                    FOR HAROP

                                                                    IN THE REGION

        Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) hopes to  through attack and up to battle damage  on it, detonating the warhead upon impact.
        sell the Harop loitering missile (LM) type  assessment. “Combining characteristics of  If required the attack can be aborted and
        platform to Japan, and several other South  a missile and a UAV, Harop enables effec-  the operator can re-attack with the same
        East Asian nations. The standoff loitering  tive mission execution without relying on  LM.
        attack weapon system, designed to locate  other external systems for targeting and
        and precisely attack targets, serves as an  mission intelligence,” according to a com-  IAI is also displaying advanced, multi-do-
        electro-optically guided attack weapon. A  pany statement.                    main capabilities for security and defence,
        Harop unit is comprised of LM launchers                                       including special mission aircraft, com-
        and a mission control shelter (MCS) that   The Harop LMs are programmed before   mand, control and communications and
        enables missile control with a man in the   launch by the ground control station to   surveillance, systems, and remotely piloted
        loop operation, and real time engagement   autonomously fly to a pre-defined holding
        or abort attack capability to avoid collat-  area, where they loiter. The MCS period-  aircraft systems (RPAS). Naval combat
        eral damage. Harop LMs are launched from   ically checks their position and status   suits that include sensors and missiles are
        ground-based launchers and controlled via   during the route to the holding area. The   also featured, along with artillery solutions
        a two-way data link for full man-in-the-loop   MCS operator can thus control a number of  including multi-mission radar and precision
        operation.                             Harop LMs that loiter over a holding area,   fires.
                                               selecting one LM for target search and
        According to sources, there is a huge inter-  attack while the others are monitored peri-  The company is also showcasing ground
        est in the Harop LMs in the region, including  odically. The operator directs the selected   surveillance systems, advanced robotics
        Japan, as the weapon system can be used  LM to the target area and uses the video   technologies, tactical VTOL UAS, and inte-
        to attack high-value targets, and is capable   image to select a target, and to attack it.  grated AI solutions for modern and future
        of full mission capabilities, from search,   The Harop tracks the target and then dives  combat vehicles.


                                                                                      plus  three  CH-101  utility  transports.
                                                                                      The development of this variant of
                                                                                      the AW101/MCH-101 has been led by
                                                                                      Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), as
                                                                                      prime contractor, with Leonardo UK in
                                                                                      Yeovil (the original AW101 designer)
                                                                                      continuing to provide technical support.
                                                                                      KHI delivered the first AW101 aircraft to
                                                                                      the JMSDF in May 2006.

                                                                                      In Japan, the primary task of the
                                                                                      AW101/MCH-101  is  Airborne  Mine
           Leonardo  Helicopters  is  engaging   AW139, as the ideal platform for gov-  Counter Measure. It is one of  only two
           with the Japan Ground Self-Defence    ernment and military missions, in all   helicopter types capable of towing the
           Force (JGSDF)/Ground Staff Office on   weather and environmental conditions,   AN/AQS-24A, the only  operationally
           future helicopter requirements.  “We   the spokesperson added.             proven, high-speed airborne mine hunt-
           are engaging with the Japan Ground                                         ing system in the world. The AW101/
           Self-Defence Force (JGSDF)/Ground     The Japan Maritime Self-Defence      MCH-101’s unique three-engine config-
           Staff Office on future helicopter require-  Force (JMSDF) also operates a fleet   uration allows for safe operations when
           ments,” a company spokesperson told   of ten heavy AW101 helicopters con-  towing at low altitude and slow speeds.
           Daily News. The company is highlighting   figured for mine countermeasure and   The AW101 Merlin is also operated by
           the AW139M multi-mission helicopter,   transportation missions, designated   the Royal Navy as its Anti-Submarine
           the military version of the well-known   as the MCH-101 in Japanese service,   Warfare (ASW) helicopter.

        DSEi JAPAN 2023                                                                                    MARCH-16-2023 9
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