Page 7 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 7



          Safran Vectronix is promoting its     North capabilities. Sterna can operate in
          optronic devices at the ongoing show,   a GPS-denied environment and will not
          with an eye towards emerging Japanese   be disturbed, if used right next to a heavy
          needs for high-end optronic devices for   armored vehicle. It can also operate in a
          its military. Safran Vectronix has a pres-  hardened concrete environment, such as
          ence in Japan for over 20 years with a   indoors in a heavy urban terrain. There
          local business partner. Speaking to Daily   are over 6,000 Sterna systems opera-
          News,  Christian  Waschnig,    Regional   tional in the U.S. and a few thousand of
          Director Sales & Marketing, Safran    them with European nations. Waschnig
          Vectronix, said Japan is an important   said efforts were also underway on
          customer as it prefers sophisticated and   selling and promoting the company’s
          high-end equipment for its military. He   optronic systems to South East Asian
          said that sample units of the company’s   countries.
          Sterna + Moskito TI had been acquired
          by the Japanese self defence forces, for   Another optronic system being pro-
          budget and testing purposes. Waschnig   moted for the Japanese military is the
          estimated a need for 100 Sterna +     company’s Moskito TI that combines a
          Moskito TI units to be acquired over a   multitude of features in less than 1.3/1.4
          2-year period, once a contract fructifies.   kg. It requires only four CR123 batteries,
                                                while the larger Moskito TI+ relies on AA
          The  Non-Magnetic  Based  Sterna  +   batteries. The Thermal Imagers are also   the harshest conditions and provide
          Moskito TI target acquisition system can   offered with a modular GPS, which saves   infantry and special forces unmatched
          operate 24/7, in virtually all terrain and   up to 1 kg of total weight. The Moskito   situational awareness at any time of day
          weather conditions and provides True   TI and Moskito TI+ work reliably under   or night.

                                                                                      allows operators to record the numbers
          SAAB BULLISH ON EXPORT                                                      of rounds fired from the weapon. The
                                                                                      M4 has a life of 1,000 rounds. The shot
          PROSPECTS FOR CARL-GUSTAF M4                                                counter, records all 84 mm rounds fired
                                                                                      from the weapon.
                                                official told Daily News that production
                                                of the M4 variant, should it be selected   According to the official, the Carl-Gustaf
                                                by the Japanese military, was yet to   M4 can be fitted with a wide range of
                                                be discussed. The official did confirm,   sights to ensure maximum effect in
                                                however, that the M4 was being demon-  any tactical situation and flexibility for
                                                strated to the Japanese self defence   the user. The system is attached with
                                                forces. Till date, out of 40 customers for   standard clip-on telescopic sight, and
                                                Saab’s Carl-Gustaf family of weapons,   additional options, include an open
                                                16 have opted for the new M4 variant,   sight, red dot sight and advanced fire
                                                including many first time customers.   control devices, available. It also has
                                                                                      a Fire Control Device (FCD) 558. There
                                                The Carl-Gustaf M4 is shorter than one   no range knobs on the M4 and it has
          Saab is highlighting the capabiltiies of   meter and weighs less than seven kilos   built-in ballistics data for all Carl-Gustaf
          its Carl-Gustaf M4 man-portable, multi-  as compared to its predecessors. The   ammunition, allowing rapid reloading
          role weapon system at the show. The   M4 variant is 3 kg lighter than the older   and adjustment, and improved sensors
          company is confident about the market   M3 variant, affording troops greater agil-  for temperature and air pressure.
          potential of the system in Japan and the   ity in the combat field with the former.
          region. The Carl-Gustaf M4 is the latest   The weight of Carl-Gustaf M4 is less
          version of the long-serving man-portable   than half the weight of the M2 version.
          weapon system and is in use with the   The M4 weapon is backward-compatible
          Japanese self defence forces in its M2   with all legacy Carl-Gustaf ammunition,
          and M3 variants.                      which is an important consideration for
                                                militaries, which have large numbers of
          The earlier variants of the Carl-Gustaf,   the recoilless weapon in their inventory.
          the M2 and M3 variants, were produced
          under license in Japan. A company     The M4 also has shot counter, which

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