Page 8 - DSEi JAPAN 2023 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 8


                                                              GHOST ROBOTICS

                                                              VISION 60 GROUND

                                                              DRONE BUY

        The Japanese Ministry of Defence intends   The Ghost Robotics  Vision  60 Q-UGV  customer.
        to purchase six Vision 60 Q-UGV mid-sized  entered service with the U.S. military in 2021
        high-endurance, agile and durable all-  and Japan will receive the same configu-  The Vision 60 Q-UGV weighs 51 kg and can
        weather ground drones from U.S.-based  ration as was sold to the USA, the official   achieve a top speed of 3m per second. It
        Ghost Robotics. A company official told  said. South Korea is another customer for   can carry a max payload of 10kg and has a
        Daily News that funding for the purchase of  the ground drones from Ghost Robotics.   max power runtime of 15 minutes. It takes
        six Vision 60 Q-UGVs has been secured in  The Vision 60 Q-UGV has an MTBF of 8,000
        Japan’s 2023 Defence Budget.  This is  hours and many military customers are   15 minutes to assemble/disassemble the
        Japan’s first purchase of ground drones  now working towards installing weapons   ground drone, which has an aluminium
        from  Ghost  Robotics. The  official  men-  on the ground drones. The average cost   body and composite legs. According to
        tioned that the all-weather ground drones  of a Vision 60 Q-UGV is approximately   information posted on Ghost Robotics’
        would be used for perimeter security in  USD 200,000, though costs vary depend-  website, it has more than 25 national secu-
        military areas.                        ing on the customisation requested by the   rity customers.


                                                                                      Champion said, “We share a special stra-
                                                                                      tegic partnership with Japan which is
                                                                                      fundamental to both countries’ strategic
                                                                                      and economic interests. Japan’s invest-
                                                                                      ment in its defence sector is significant and
                                                                                      as a global leader in defence industries we
                                                                                      want to ensure South Australian companies
                                                                                      are at the fore of the opportunities available
                                                                                      across the Asia-Pacific region.”

                                                                                      Local companies participating include
                                                                                      Australian defence software and systems
                                                                                      engineering company Acacia Systems,
                                                                                      X-ray technology company Micro-X LTD,
                                                                                      sheet metal manufacturer Rowlands
                                                                                      Metalworks,  and  robotics  firm  Tekuma
                                                                                      Pty Ltd. Spacecraft mission delivery ser-
                                                                                      vices provider Inovor Technologies and
                                                                                      BMT Defence and Security Australia are
                                               engagement in recent years between  also present.
        A number of leading South Australian
        defence companies are making a mark at  Australia and Japan, which last year saw
        Japan’s only large-scale, fully integrated  the signature of the Joint Declaration on
        defence event, paving the way for future  Security Cooperation in which both nations
        trade opportunities across the Asia-Pacific.  committed to closer defence and security
        Six SA companies are presenting their cut-
        ting-edge technologies to global defence  The SA contingent comprises small to
        industry  executives and investors,  with  medium enterprises and is a part of the
        ambitions to export new products and  Australian defence industry delegation led
        services to key markets throughout the  by Major General David Coghlan and Air-
        region. South Australian defence indus-  Vice Marshal Gavin Turnbull.
        tries’ discourse with their Japanese
        defence counterparts follows continued  Minister for Trade and Investment Nick
        8  MARCH-17-2023                                                                       WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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