Page 3 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
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South Korea, the United Arab Emirates
                                                                                      and Russia also sending aerobatic display
                                                                                      teams to participate.

                                                                                      A sizeable number of trade visitors from all
                                                                                      over the world are also making a beeline for
                                                                                      Langkawi. It is expected that the defence
                                                                                      sector will feature 60% of participating
                                                                                      companies, while the commercial sector
                                                                                      will have a participation of 40%. The exhi-
                                                                                      bition is being held at Mahsuri International
                                                                                      Exhibition Centre (MIEC) and Resort World
                                                                                      Langkawi (RWL) for its airborne and mari-
                                                                                      time components respectively.

                                                                                      In addition to meeting the requirements
                                                                                      for military modernisation in the region,
                                                                                      there is now also the opportunity for other
        ...Cont’d from PG 1
                                               The organisers expect over 600 companies  nations to displace Russia’s position as
                                               to take part in the latest edition of the show  an important arms supplier to the region
                                               with up to 20 international pavilions from  as supplies of weapons and spares have
        The Langkawi International Maritime &   the US, China, UK, France, UAE, Indonesia,  been disrupted by its ongoing conflict with
        Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) is unique in   Thailand, Italy, Türkiye, Brazil, Germany,  Ukraine. Malaysia is one of the countries
        supporting both military aviation and mar-  Singapore, South Korea, Pakistan, India,  affected, with serviceability of her Russian
        itime defence and has come a long way   Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Czech  origin military assets thought to have been
        since it first began in 1991.          Republic  and  others. Indonesia,  China,  impacted.

        MARITIME                               Bagan Datuk, KM Arau, KM Perwira, and  participation of the CNS Zhanjiang. The
                                               KM Marlin, while the Marine Department  Indian and Indonesian Navy’s are partic-
                                               Malaysia (JLM) has brought the MV Polaris  ipating with INS Karavatti and KRI Golok,
        FLOTILLA                               and MV Discovery to Langkawi.          KRI Halasan, KRI Kerambit respectively.
                                                                                      The Japan Maritime Self Defence Force
                                               The Royal Malaysia Police is showcasing  (JMSDF) is present with the JS Kumano,
        ON SHOW                                its PT2 ship. The Royal Malaysian Navy  while the Pakistan Navy has brought
                                               has on display 18 vessels including the KD  the PNS Shah Jahan. The Republic of
                                               Mahawangsa, KD Lekiu, KD Tunku Abdul  Singapore Navy is showcasing the RSS
        A strong maritime flotilla is on display at   Rahman, KD Perak, KD Gagah Samudera,  Steadfast, while the Republic of Korea
        Langkawi with the Royal Malaysian Navy   KD Keris, KD Mahamiru, KD  Todak, KD  Navy has brought the ROKS No Jeok
        itself showcasing a large number of surface  Teguh Samudera, KD Selangor, KD Sri  Bong. The U.S. Navy is present with the
        and sub-surface assets in addition to inter-  Indera Sakti,- -KD Laksamana Hang Nadim,  USS Mobile Vietnam - VPNS 20, while the
        national warships participating at the show.  KD Terengganu, KD Lekir, KD Rencong, KD  Royal Thai Navy has brought the HTMS
        The Italian Navy’s Multi-purpose Offshore  Serang, and KD Perkasa as well as the  Prachuap Khiri Khan.
        Patrol Vessel (PPA) Francesco Morosini is  MV Mega Bakti.
        also berthed in Langkawi for the exhibition.  In addition to
        The brand new warship was delivered to the  these vessels, the
        Italian Navy in October 2022, at Fincantieri’s  Royal Brunei Navy
        shipyard in Muggiano (La Spezia).  The  is participating
        PPA Vessel was named after Francesco  at LIMA with the
        Morosini, the 108th Doge of Venice and  KDB  Darulehsan,
        General Sea Captain of the Venetian Fleet  while the Peoples
        (1688 – 1694). The Malaysian Maritime  Liberation Army
        Enforcement Agency (APMM) is also dis-  Navy is mark-
        playing its patrol vessels – KM Pekan,- KM  ing the maiden

                                          Editorial Director        Arun Sivasankaran          Art Director
                                          Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
         PUBLISHED BY             Atul Chandra 
                                          Editorial Team                                       Sales Director
                                          Jay Menon                 Gordon Arthur              Akshay Satyamurthy

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