Page 4 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 4


        1  DISPLAY TEAM


        NEW J-10C

                                                                                        RMAF AW
                                                                                        139S COMPLETE

                                                                                        A YEAR OF

                                                                                        The RMAF recently celebrated the first
                                                                                        anniversary of operations with its new
                                                                                        Leonardo AW 139 helicopters. The new
                                                                                        helicopters are operated by the RMAF’s
                                                                                        No 3 Squadron from Butterworth Air
                                                                                        Base. The RMAF inducted the new heli-
                                                                                        copters into service in April 2022 with
                                                                                        the first batch of two AW139s formally
                                                                                        delivered to No 3 Squadron in December
                                                                                        2021. The RMAF is operating the new
        The Chinese  People’s  Liberation Army   Industry Corp of China and was first shown   AW139s on lease from the Malaysian
                                                                                        company Westar Aviation Services Sdn.
        Air Force’s (PLAAF) August 1st aerobat-  in public in July 2017 and entered combat   Bhd.
        ics team is returning to Langkawi with   patrol duty with the PLAAF in April 2018.
        indigenously developed J-10C fighter jets.   The  supersonic,  multipurpose  fighter  is   The RMAF acquired the AW139 to
        The display team is performing formation   capable of maintaining short- and medi-  replace its decommissioned Sikorsky
        displays with eight aircraft at the ongoing   um-range air supremacy, and can strike   S-61A-4 Nuri helicopters which had
        airshow. According to PLAAF spokesper-  both ground and sea targets.  The new   served for over 50 years. The decom-
        son Xie Peng, this is the aerobatic team’s   aircraft has an upgraded Chinese active   missioning of the Nuri helicopters had
        first performance outside China since it has   phased array radar with better detection   resulted in extended operations for the
        converted to the J-10C.                and multitargeting capability. The aircraft   air arm’s fleet of 12 Airbus Helicopters
                                               also has a smaller radar signature than the   EC725AP helicopters, whose primary
                                               J-10A or J-10B and uses a more powerful
        The August 1st aerobatics team earlier flew   engine. Operational J-10C’s with the PLAAF   role is Combat Search and Rescue
        the J-10A and J-10S, which is the twin-seat   are also armed with China’s newest air-to-  (CSAR) as well as undertaking tactical
        trainer version of the J-10A. These aircraft   air missiles, which can engage targets at   airlift and utility missions.
        were in service with the display team   longer ranges.
        since 2009. The new J-10Cs are easier to                                        No 3 Squadron has the motto “Anywhere
        maintain and operate than the August 1st   The PLAAF’s August 1st team was founded   and Anything” and has used its new
        aerobatics team’s earlier J-10As. The induc-  in 1962 as the Chinese military’s first aerial   AW139s for missions such as air logis-
        tion of the J-10C also allows the PLAAF to   display team and was named after the   tic support and resupply flight, military
        rotate pilots from its operational squadrons   People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) founding   and civil communication flight, medical
        with the type for tours with the August 1st   date. Since 1962, the display team has per-  evacuation (MEDEVAC), casualty evac-
        aerobatics team.                       formed at over 700 air shows, showcasing   uation (CASEVAC), body evacuation
                                               their manoeuvres to over 700 delegations   (BODEVAC) ) and humanitarian and
                                                                                        disaster relief (HADR).
        The J-10C is manufactured by the Aviation  from more than 170 countries and regions.
        4  MAY-23-2023                                                                         WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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