Page 7 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 7


                              DEBUTS AT LIMA

        Brazilian airframer and regional transport   he says, would create around 25,000 new  airports, MRO’s and aviation industry supply
        aircraft specialist Embraer is displaying its   jobs and pump some US$700 million into  chain.
        E195-E2 for the first time at the ongoing   the national economy.
        LIMA. The airframer is promoting the air-                                     The E195-E2, which has a capacity of up
        craft to potential customers in the region  Currently, 90% of Malaysia’s fleet and  to 146 passengers, is one of the newest
        as the world’s most efficient and quietest  backlog comprises aircraft with more  and most environmentally friendly aircraft
        single-aisle aircraft.  “We’re proud to display  than 150 seats. Carriers operating in the  in its class. The new single-aisle jetliner
        the E195-E2 at LIMA 2023 – the latest com-  country typically average around 128 pas-  entered commercial service less than five
        mercial aircraft in the industry to enter into  sengers per flight. In fact, 50% of over more  years ago in 2019. The aircraft has a range
        service and the largest member of our E-Jet  than 360,000 narrow-body operations in  of 2,600nm, the equivalent of about seven
        family,” said Raul Villaron, Vice President,  Malaysia in 2019 had between 90 and 135  hours of flight. The E2 Profit Hunter family
        Asia  Pacific  for  Embraer  Commercial  passengers per flight.               is a brand-new aircraft design equipped
        Aviation.  “The modern cabin interior with                                    with the operational maturity of Embraer’s
        Embraer’s signature two by two seating is   Embraer says that the E2s are perfectly   E-Jets family (9+ years and 22 million flight
        popular with passengers wishing to avoid   positioned to complement the current   hours). The E195-E2 is operated by air-
        the dreaded middle seat. The economics   fleet and can serve 99% of the current nar-  lines such as KLM, Azul (Brazil), and most
        and performance of the aircraft offer air-  row-body network. This is because the E2   recently, Porter Airlines of Canada.
        lines a compelling solution to grow their   family was designed to offer the lowest
        regional networks and establish new routes   trip costs and the best economics when   Embraer has also worked hard at the E195-
        while lowering fuel and noise emissions.”   compared to its competitors making it the   E2s environmental credentials. The aircraft
                                               ideal aircraft to complement narrow-body   emits 33% less CO2 with an average pas-
        Embraer’s advanced E2 family is shaping   aircraft and reduce airline operating costs.    senger per flight of 120 passengers in
        the regional market with its sustainable                                      Malaysia. Embraer and Pratt & Whitney suc-
        technologies, superior cabin comfort, excel-                                  cessfully tested a E195-E2 aircraft in early
        lent economics and optimal range. Villaron  The E2 is an ideal aircraft to launch new   July 2022 on 100% sustainable aviation fuel
        says Embraer views an opportunity to add  routes, increasing the number of city pairs   (SAF). With 100% SAF, the 25% reduction
        more than 100 new routes to Malaysia’s air  in the country, stimulating the economy, and   in emissions achieved by the E2 over the
        network with E2 jetliners. This expansion,  contributing to the general development of   first-generation E-Jets can be increased up
                                                                                      to an impressive 85%.

                                                                                      The E195-E2 also demonstrated its steep
                                                                                      approach capability by landing and taking
                                                                                      off at London’s iconic City Airport (LCY) just
                                                                                      after the Farnborough Airshow last year.
                                                                                      Embraer is also aligned with the industry’s
                                                                                      targets to increasing its fuel efficiency in
                                                                                      +1.5% per year and reduce emissions in
                                                                                      50% by 2050 from ATAG. It is also aligned
                                                                                      with CORSIA to achieve a carbon-neutral
                                                                                      growth to commercial aviation, delivering
                                                                                      more efficient products and enable more
                                                                                      capacity into the market.

        LIMA 2023                                                                                            MAY-23-2023 7
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