Page 5 - LIMA 2023 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 5

destroyer that entered service more than
                                                                                      a year after the decommissioning of the old
                                                                                      Zhanjiang, a Type 051 destroyer, in August

                                                                                      The Type 052D destroyer is a larger variant
                                                                                      of the Type 052C but has a few significant
                                                                                      differences. Unlike the to the concentric
                                                                                      type vertical launching system (VLS) car-
                                                                                      ried aboard earlier vessels, the Type 52D
                                                                                      is the first Chinese surface combatant to
                                                                                      use canister-based universal VLS.  The
                                                                                      VLS can fire the extended-range variant of
                                                                                      CY-5 anti-submarine missiles, the HHQ-9
                                                                                      surface-to-air missile, and YJ-18 anti-
                                                                                      ship cruise missiles. The destroyer also
                                                                                      has a   flat-paneled active electronically
                                                                                      scanned array (AESA) radar. The Type
                                                                                      052D is China’s first dedicated multi-role
         CHINESE DESTROYER                                                            destroyer as the VLS is not limited to sur-
                                                                                      face-to-air missiles. Among its features
         ZHANJIANG MAKES LIMA DEBUT                                                   are a Type 346A AESA and Type 518
                                                                                      L-band radar, as well as variable depth
        China is giving a sneak peek of its growing   naval guided-missile destroyer Zhanjiang  (VDS) and linear towed array sonar. The
        naval might to show attendees.         departed a military port in Zhanjiang,  destroyer’s powerplant is a combined
                                               Guangdong,  on  May 16,  to  attend the  diesel or gas (CODOG) system with two
        Just over a year after the Chinese People’s  ongoing exhibition. The vessel carried a  28-megawatt (38,000 hp) QC-280 gas tur-
        Liberation Army (PLA) Navy commis-     ship-borne helicopter and more than 200  bines and two 6 MW (8,000 hp) MTU 20V
        sioned two new  Type 052D destroyers  crew members. LIMA 2023 marks the  956TB92 diesel engines.  Its maximum
        -  the Zhanjiang and  the Jiaozuo – the  first military diplomatic mission for the  speed 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph).



        The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the
        Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) recently
        concluded the 27th edition of Exercise
        Semangat Bersatu (XSB), an annual bilateral
        exercise held between both militaries. The
        exercises which took place in Singapore,
        earlier in May involved a total of 380 par-
        ticipants from the SAF’s 3rd Battalion,
        Singapore Infantry Regiment and MAF’s
        6th Battalion, Royal Ranger Regiment,
        the exercise included activities such as
        professional exchanges, cross-training,
        cultural interaction, and culminated in a
        combined Battalion Mission Exercise with
        conventional and urban objectives. SAF
        Chief of Army (COA) Major-General (MG)
        David Neo and MAF COA, General (GEN)
        Datuk Seri Mohammad bin Ab Rahman
        co-officiated  the  opening  ceremony  of  of tactics, techniques and procedures, as  strengthen professional interactions. The
        XSB23 in Kranji Camp III on 8 May 2023.  well as combined mission planning and  SAF and the MAF interact regularly across
        In his opening address, MG Neo said, “As  execution. Beyond professional exchanges  a range of activities, including bilateral
        our flagship exercise, Exercise Semangat  and training, XSB23 is also a chance for  exchanges, cross-attendance of courses
        Bersatu is testament to the close friendship  soldiers from both armies to make new  and multilateral activities under the ambit
        between our forces. For this year’s edition,  friends and forge strong friendships.” The  of the Five Power Defence Arrangements
        we are incorporating drone flying opera-  XSB was first held in 1999 and provides  and the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting
        tions. This builds on our years of sharing  a valuable platform for both armies to  (ADMM)/ADMM-Plus.

        LIMA 2023                                                                                            MAY-23-2023 5
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