P. 13


                       “There is an Increase in

              SAF Production Globally, but

        We Still Have a Long Way to Go”

        The recent opening of its expanded Singapore refinery saw  this by ramping-up our SAF production
        Neste’s sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production capability  capability.
        increase ten-fold, from 100,000 tons per annum in 2022 to 1
        million tons per annum.                                        Also, corporates can play a role in accelerat-
                                                                       ing SAF use by purchasing SAF to reduce the
        With ongoing investments to its Rotterdam, The Netherlands  emissions from their business travel. Neste
        refinery, the world’s leading producer of SAF will increase its  is, for example, raising awareness in that
        production capability to 1.5 million tons per annum in the begin-  segment through advertising campaigns at
        ning of 2024 and 2.2 million tons by 2026, says Jonathan Wood,  major international airports, like Los Angeles,
        Vice President Commercial and Technical Management at the  Singapore Changi and Amsterdam Schiphol.
        Renewable Aviation business unit at Neste, in an interview with
        Arun Sivasankaran.
                                                                         Q  There was a 200 percent increase in SAF
                                                                        production in 2022, compared to the pro-
          Q  In 2019, SAF accounted for just 0.1 percent of all jet fuel   duction of 100 million liters in 2021. But it
          used worldwide. How much have things changed since then?      still wasn’t enough to meet demand. When
                                                                        do you see supply meeting demand?
        IATA estimates that in 2022, about 300 million liters of SAF was
        produced. This includes Neste’s SAF production                 As mentioned above, this is an increase in
        capacity of 125 million liters (100,000 tons) per                  production, but the reality is that we still
        annum. This is an increase in production, but                            have a long way to go and we need
        the reality is that we still have a long way                               the whole industry, including
        to go, and we need the whole industry,                                       airlines, airports, OEMs, fuel
        including airlines, airports, OEMs, fuel                                     producers and governments,
        producers and governments, to accel-                                          to accelerate SAF production.
        erate SAF production.                                                         It is difficult to look into the
                                                                                      future, but we see encour-
                                                                                      aging developments across
          Q  What is Neste doing to popular-                                          the globe with production
          ize the use of SAF among airlines?                                        ramp-up, policy support and
                                                                                    airlines and corporates using
        Neste has been supplying SAF to more                                        SAF to reduce their emissions.
        than 50 airlines and is continuing to
        increase awareness and availability of                                      Jonathan Wood
        SAF and its potential to reduce carbon
        emissions. It is a positive development                                     Vice President Commercial and
        that more and more airlines are start-                                      Technical Management at the
        ing to use SAF or even integrate                                            Renewable Aviation business
        SAF into their  sustainability                                              unit at Neste.
        commitments, for exam-
        ple  committing  to  10
        percent SAF usage
        by 2030. Neste
        is supporting

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