Page 4 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
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...Cont’d from PG 1                    in June,” he said. “This time, we ran out of  assets including an F-22 Raptor stealth jet
                                               exhibition space and had to close bookings  and an FA-18G Hornet are on display.
        Four  hundred  and  forty  firms  from  28  in January.”
        nations attended the previous edition in                                      The Air Show is now among the top five
        2021.                                  Among the highlights of the biennial event  trade aerospace and defence trade shows
                                               is the public debut of the KF-21 Boramae  in the world in terms of exhibition area. “By
        Almost all the major international defence  advanced 4.5 gen fighter, developed by  2025, we will be among the top three largest
        companies are in town, but the focus is  Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) for the  trade shows,” said Min Seok. “The growth
        expected  to  be  on  domestic  firms  and   Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF.) The  of the event is testament to the speedy
        their rapidly expanding range of products.   aircraft on display is one of the six flying  and sustained development of Korea’s
        The event, which has more than doubled in   prototypes built for the KF-21 flight test  defence industry. We want to showcase all
        scale during the past decade, will also serve   programme. The 8.8 trillion won (US$7.8 bil-  the exciting products and capabilities that
        as a platform to promote advanced technol-  lion) KF-21 project, also involving Indonesia,  our companies have to offer.”
                                               is slated to deliver the fighter jet to the
        ogies in two growing sectors - space and   service by 2026. The aircraft has already
        advanced air mobility (AAM).           attracted international attention, with the   With South Korea and the region being a
                                                                                      major market for their products, there is a
                                               United Arab Emirates expressing interest   significant number of U.S. companies at
        The largest and most comprehensive trade   in joining as a partner.           the event. This year’s edition holds a spe-
        show in Northeast Asia is hosted by Korea                                     cial significance as 2023 marks the 70th
        Aerospace Industries Association (KAIA),   Another  major  attraction  is  the  display   anniversary of the alliance between South
        Korea Defence Industry Association (KDIA)  of the ground assets of the U.S. Forces   Korea and the United States.  About 100
        and Korea Trade-Investment Promotion  Korea (USFK); the weapons have not been   foreign delegations from 55 countries,
        Agency (KOTRA)ADEX 2023. The event,  showcased in any previous edition of the   including defence ministers of nine coun-
        which has an expanded exhibition area  event.  Adding  to  the  excitement  is  the   tries, heads of procurement agencies, and
        compared to the previous edition, has  aircraft demonstrations and exhibition of  air force chiefs of staff of 14 nations are
        evoked a tremendous response from exhib-  military assets, such as KF-21 Boramae,  attending the show on business days, start-
        itors around the world, said Kim Min Seok,  Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets, FA-50  ing today until Friday. As many as 300,000
        KAIA Vice Chairman. “In 2019 and 2021,  light attack aircraft, K2 battle tanks and  visitors are expected when the fair opens to
        we closed bookings for exhibition space  K9A1 self-propelled howitzers. U.S. military  the public on Saturday and Sunday.

        Diehl Defence IRIS-T Makes Maiden Appearance on KF-21

        Diehl Defence’s IRIS-T (InfraRed Imaging  multi-role KF-21 fighter aircraft being devel-  into major combat aircraft platforms such
        System – Tail/Thrust Vector Controlled) air-  oped by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI).  as Panavia Tornado, Eurofighter Typhoon,
        to-air missile is being shown for the first  The air-to-air missile was successfully test-  JAS-39 Gripen, F-16, EF-18 and F-5. It is
        time, integrated on the KF-21 at the ongoing  fired from KF-21 prototype No. 2 in April  also is in service or on order with several
        Seoul ADEX. The integration of IRIS-T into  2023. The test firing proved the safe sepa-  NATO countries as well as Brazil, Thailand,
        the KF-21 opens up new market opportuni-  ration of the missile from the aircraft.     Saudi Arabia and South Africa. In 2016, the
        ties for Diehl Defence and IRIS-T. This is the                                Norwegian Air Force demonstrated for the
        first time that the IRIS-T air-to-air missile is  KF-21 aircraft are expected to be deliv-  first time, the IRIS-T`s capability of also
        being displayed in public on a KF-21. Diehl  ered  to  the  programme  launch  nations   engaging sea targets in a test firing.
        Defence is also showcasing its ammunition  Korea and Indonesia starting from late
        products and the ground-based air defence  2026 and integration of the IRIS-T will be   The IRIS-T was developed by Diehl Defence
        system IRIS-T SLM, which is combat-proven  completed by that time. The long standing   as the prime contractor with consortium
        in current operations and will be an import-  cooperation between Diehl Defence and
        ant  element  in  air  defence  systems  of  KAI was also extended to the FA-50/T-50   partners Germany (pilot nation), Greece,
        several European countries.            aircraft following ADEX 2021, when the   Italy, Norway, Sweden and Spain. It was
                                               two partners agreed on an MoU for the   selected  as  standard  weapon  for  the
        The  IRIS-T  is  the  primary  Infra-Red  (IR)  integration of IRIS-T into this platform as   Eurofighter, F-16, EF-18, Tornado and Gripen
        guided  missile  for  the  4.5  generation  well. So far, IRIS-T has been integrated   fighter aircraft.
        4  OCTOBER-17-2023                                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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