Page 8 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 8

DAPA to Proceed with New Korean Tactical

        Surface-to-Ground Guided Weapon-II Programme

        Korea’s defence procurement agency,  programme is estimated to cost approxi-  known as the as the Agency Research
        the Defence Acquisition Programme  mately US$216 million (290 billion won).  Institute.  The  weapons  programme  is
        Administration    (DAPA),   recently  The new tactical weapon will enhance the  expected to feature participation from
        announced that it would launch a Tactical  long-distance precision striking ability of  major Korean defence companies as pro-
        Surface-to-Ground  Guided  Weapon-II  the Korean military by improving range and   totype manufacturers.
        system development project. The proj-  penetration power.
        ect  would  run  from  September  2023                                        The Tactical Surface-to-Ground Guided
        to  December  2027.  The  new  missile  DAPA’s Guided Weapons Division Director   Weapon-II is being developed as a vehi-
                                               Jeong Jae-jun, said, “By successfully   cle-mounted  missile  system  and  its
                                               developing the  Tactical Surface-to-   operational capabilities compared to tac-
                                               Surface Guided Weapon-II, the core force   tical surface-to-ground guided weapons
                                               of the three-axis system, we have signifi-  currently in mass production will primarily
                                                                                      be related to enhanced range and penetra-
                                               cantly strengthened our ability to respond   tion power.
                                               to enemy provocation threats and will
                                               continue to expand our defence industry   The mobile system will also feature greater
                                               exports in the future.”                survivability. The Korean military will use
                                                                                      the new weapon system to effectively
                                               The “Tactical Ground-Guided Weapon-II   destroy important targets at a distance
                                               System  Development  Project”  will  be   such as enemy tunnels and defensive
                                               developed under the supervision of Korea’s  positions. The guided weapon will also be
                                               Agency for Defence Development also  capable of precision strike capability.

                                                                                      unmanned aerial vehicles and stationary
                                                                                      platforms. Because of its open mission sys-
                                                                                      tems architecture design, PhantomStrike
                                                                                      can be upgraded without maintenance.

                                                                                      The  Collins  Aerospace TruNet  AR-1500
                                                                                      networked communications airborne radio,
                                                                                      which the company is displaying for the
                                                                                      Republic of Korea armed forces, delivers
                                                                                      software-defined  capabilities  for  coun-
                                                                                      try-specific customization. From sovereign
                                                                                      waveforms to multinational interoperabil-
                                                                                      ity and advanced encryption security, the
          RTX’s Wide Range                                                            AR-1500 offers tailorable functionality in a
                                                                                      form factor that also makes it easier, faster
                                                                                      and more cost-effective to integrate. The
          of Capabilities on Show                                                     latest and most capable fully exportable
                                                                                      software defined radio receiver-transmitter,
                                                                                      TruNet AR-1500 is part of the TruNet net-
                                                                                      worked communications solution family,
        Raytheon’s  PhantomStrike  AESA  radar  make the deliveries in 2025.          which  includes  ground  and  handheld
        model  and  Collins  Aerospace’s  TruNet                                      radios, advanced networking waveforms,
        AR-1500 networked communications air-  The  compact  PhantomStrike  radar  is   apps, ancillaries and services. According
        borne radio are among the products that  smaller, lighter and requires less power. It   to the company, it is the first solution to
        RTX has brought to the Show.           weighs less than 150 pounds and at nearly   ensure secure connectivity between ground
                                               half the weight of modern AESA radars,   and airborne elements across the entire
        The  company,  which  has  a  significant  delivers  the  heavyweight  performance   battlespace.
        presence in the country as well as in the  needed for superior battlespace situational
        region, is highlighting its engine, avionics,  awareness.    With  digital  beam  forming  RTX’s presence at the Show will also include
        mission  systems,  sensor  and  effectors  and  steering,  multimode  functionality  a range of interactive displays, including
        technologies.                          and interleaved ground and air targeting,  Pratt & Whitney’s F-135 ECU engine touch-
                                               PhantomStrike  delivers  superior  radar  screen,  the  Raytheon  land,  air  and  sea
        The company has signed a contract with  capability at nearly half the cost of typical  defence interactive and space capabilities
        Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) to deliver  fire control radars. The radar is designed to  interactive and Collins Aerospace’s video
        the PhantomStrike radar for its FA-50 air-  be integrated onto any platform, including  demo  of  the  Tactical  Combat  Training
        craft for Poland. The company expects to  a light-attack aircraft, rotary wing aircraft,  System pod.

        8  OCTOBER-17-2023                                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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