Page 6 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 6

HERON MK II: A Game-Changer

             in Unmanned Aerial Systems

        Reflecting the latest unmanned aerial sys-  The Heron Mk II incorporates integral wide-  35,000 ft. The powerful motor also provides
        tems (UAS) technology, the Heron MK II has  band satellite communication and fully dig-  sustained power for a maximum airspeed
        recently joined IAI’s Heron family of UAS,  ital line-of-sight datalinks, serving multiple  of 145 knots and a faster ascent, improving
        serving air forces, armies, and navies world-  payloads simultaneously and allowing the  the drone’s rate of climb by more than 50
        wide for over two decades. With a new  platform operational envelope over long  percent over legacy systems. The maximum
        airframe and wings tuned to maximize per-  distances. Switching between the differ-  takeoff weight (MTOW) has increased to
        formance, advanced avionics, and a ground  ent datalinks can optimize the mission to  1,430 kg, including a useful payload of 490
        control system, the Heron MK II introduces  become covert, secure, and resilient. In  kg. Heron Mk II has a mission endurance
        new mission capabilities, efficiencies, and  addition to streaming live sensor data to  of up to 45 hours.
        autonomy standards.                    the ground, the Heron Mk II also has servers
                                               onboard.                               Another forte is its ability to endure adverse
        Equipped with a comprehensive payload                                         weather, with deicing systems enabling the
        suite, this Medium Altitude Long Endurance  The HERON MKII conforms to open architec-  aircraft to cross stormy weather it may
        (MALE) UAS supports multiple payloads  ture with separate flight control and mission  encounter on its flight. Special attention is
        operating over a broad spectrum enable  management systems. This enables the  given to protecting the communications,
        real-time intelligence, surveillance, target  manufacturer and users to maintain optimal  navigation, and flight systems from jam-
        acquisition and reconnaissance (ISTAR),  upgrading cycles and avionics flexibility  ming and spoofing, safeguarding the GPS
        covering large areas of interest. Dedicated  throughout the UAS life cycle.   and datalinks against interference and
        sensors allow the system to perform stand-                                    cyber-attacks.
        off reconnaissance over long distances or   Mission Optimized Platform
        persistent surveillance over a wide area. The  The new powerplant uses an aviation-certi-  Advanced Ground Segment
        Heron Mk II provides a complete, multi-mod-  fied engine that delivers 160 hp, specifically  The crew uses the Unified Control System
        al intelligence-gathering capability on a  tuned to have a high climb rate and efficient  (UCS) to control the mission, leveraging the
        single platform.                       operation at low and high altitudes up to  highly automated and intuitive user inter-
                                                                                      face to reduce crew workload and focus on
                                                                                      the task rather than fly the platform. This
                                                                                      modern mission control center comprises
                                                                                      multiple displays, ‘hands-on stick and throt-
                                                                                      tle’ (HOTAS) like controls, and a tablet with
                                                                                      a touch screen. Autonomous taxi, takeoff
                                                                                      and landing and multiple redundancies for
                                                                                      flight and missioncritical systems are fully
                                                                                      supported based on proven and robust
                                                                                      automation, multiple sensors, and systems.

                                                                                      Since its introduction in 1994, the Heron fam-
                                                                                      ily has been operational with over 22 cus-
                                                                                      tomers worldwide, accumulating well over
                                                                                      500,000 flight hours. HERON MKII takes the
                                                                                      system to new mission capabilities and per-
                                                                                      formance levels, setting a new benchmark
                                                                                      for advanced MALE UAS.

        6  OCTOBER-17-2023                                                                     WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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