Page 7 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 7


            Above all

                                                       GlobalEye is the most advanced AEW&C solution in operation today.
                                                       With GlobalEye, the Republic of Korea will not only benefit from
                                                       superior availability, extended mission capabilities, cost-effectiveness,
                                                       and performance that by far surpasses any legacy platform, but also
                                                       from an Industrial Cooperation Program designed to further grow
                                                       the country’s technology competencies and self-sufficiency in
                                                       defence capabilities.
                                                       Welcome to experience the future of AEW&C and to see how Saab
                                                       and GlobalEye will empower the Republic of Korea’s defence strategy.
                                                       GlobalEye – Above all.

                                                       Learn more at

        Meet Saab in stand C505 at Seoul ADEX 2023

                                                                                                                       2023-09-17   10:14
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