Page 13 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 2
P. 13

and production 35 years ago and we now
         have more than 800 employees there. In
         India, we will invest further to establish a
         manufacturing facility for the Carl-Gustaf
         shoulder launched weapon system.

        Electronic warfare capabilities are now an
        essential part of military arsenal. What
        does Saab have to offer in this field that is
        different from the rest?

         Saab’s electronic warfare offer includes
         self-protection systems protecting air-
         craft, helicopters, land vehicles, naval ves-
         sels and submarines. We also provide
         signals intelligence systems for passive
         interception and analysis of radar and
         communication signals, giving improved
         situational awareness from airborne, land
         based and naval platforms. During ADEX
         we are showcasing three products from
         our EW offer:                           increased establishment of strong local   Through customised offerings, Saab has
                                                 partnerships and a relentless dedication   contributed together with partners to sev-
         - Countermeasures Dispenser System BOL   to supporting the growth of the Korean   eral successful projects that contributes
         – an electromechanical dispenser that   defence industry.                      to industrial development and economic
         offers an intelligent system solution to                                       growth in the customer country.
         counter RF and IR threats that can be in-  What are some of the South Korean defence
         stalled into missile launchers, conformal  programmes that the company is currently   Saab’s industrial cooperation and custom-

         housings, pylons, fuselage or external pods.  involved in?                     ised partnerships are part of our business
                                                                                        offering to provide the Republic of Korea
         - IDAS (Integrated Self-protection suite):   Saab’s major footprint in the Republic of   with a foundation for business and job
         Saab’s Integrated Defence Aids Suite (IDAS)   Korea is the supply of Arthur weapons   creation, technology transfer and invest-
         is a proven self-protection suite for air-  locating radars that now play a vital role in   ments, supporting the country’s interest
         borne platforms.                       the defence and protection of Korea’s peo-  in developing strategic know-how. The
                                                ple. To support the Arthur programme Saab   goal is to create value for both parties,
         - Sirius compact: a modular and scalable   established a unique performance-based   such as transfer of technology and skills.
         passive Electronic Warfare (EW) sensor   logistics capability in the country that en-
         network, providing a true force-multiplier by   sures reliable and cost-effective opera-  Please elaborate on the market demand in
         enhancing situational awareness through   tions for these essential systems 24-hours  the Asia Pacific region for the company’s
         silent detection, classification and priori-  a day. In addition to the Arthur radars,  radar family?
         tisation of radar and datalink emissions.    Saab been a supplier to the ROK in sev-
                                                eral different areas of defence including   Saab is a world leader in surface-based
        How important is South Korea for the com-  Naval Sensor systems, Air and Maritime   radar systems including air, surface and
        pany’s business?                        Traffic Management systems, Underwater   coastal surveillance, air defence, weapon
                                                systems, Aerospace systems and Missile   location and sense and warn. Our radar
          The Korean market is of significant im-  systems. Saab has also been part of the   solutions have been used operationally
          portance for Saab for a several reasons.   Fighter development programme support-  in Asia for many years.
          The Republic of Korea has remarkable   ing ROK in the development of its indige-
          investments in the development of its   nous AESA Radar solution.             Saab’s success with our surface radar
          indigenous defence industry gaining rel-                                      portfolio is based on several factors in-
          evance and consolidating its position  The indigenous South Korea defence in-  cluding the operational performance of
          made as a strategic player on the global  dustry has grown at a fast pace in recent   the systems, the high level of availability in
          stage. The dedication demonstrated by  years. How do you view this development?  demanding environments and the access
          the Republic of Korea has resulted in                                         to responsive in-service support from
          significant advancements in several ar-  In addition to heavily investing in R&D   Saab and our local partners in the region.
          eas of the defence segment, including,   and innovation in its own operations,   Based on these and, Saab has developed
          but not limited to missile technology,   Saab’s way of doing business is focused   a reputation for delivering capability to an
          fighter aircraft, autonomous systems and   on fostering partnerships and collabo-  expanding customer base.  While Saab
          cybersecurity.                         rations within our customer countries.     continues to support and upgrade existing
                                                 We collaborate closely with industries,   products, the significant investment Saab
          Saab recognizes the importance of      government agencies and academia to    makes in new radar solutions and facili-
          ROK and is committed to the long-term   ensure our products and solutions are   ties in Asia, means we are well positioned
          success of our presence in the market   state of the art and adapted to local and   to deliver class leading radar capabilities
          through continued investments, the     international standards and requirements.   to regional customers well into the future.

        SEOUL ADEX 2023                                                                                  OCTOBER-18-2023 13
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