Page 14 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 2
P. 14
“We Ensure Our Customers
Keep Their Edge in the Skies”
RTX’s air dominance solutions for advanced How much of an impact has the coming
fighters ensure that when pilots take to together of Pratt & Whitney and Collins
the skies, they can be confident that their Aerospace with Raytheon had on the com-
systems will help them succeed during pany’s ability to provide air dominance and
every mission, says Bryan Rosselli, pres- other military solutions to customers?
ident of Advanced Products & Solutions
for Raytheon. RTX is the world’s largest aerospace and
defence company. As one RTX, we have
APS specializes in integrated air and missile three industry leading businesses – Pratt &
defence, advanced sensors, space-based Whitney, Collins Aerospace, and Raytheon
systems, hypersonics, effectors and cy- – engines, avionics, communications, sen-
ber solutions. In an interview with Arun sors, effectors and mission equipment– all
Sivasankaran, Rosselli speaks about the into one company. The intellectual capital
company’s air dominance solutions, its pres- and mission knowledge we have across
ence in Korea and the APAC region, and the the business is extraordinary.
company’s partnerships with South Korean
defence firms. RTX provides the ability to conduct high
fidelity operational analysis and modeling
What are some of the air dominance solu- of the platforms, mission equipment and
tions that RTX provides to its customers? weapons systems - all in one place. We
can help imagine the next generation air
Controlling the skies and dictating the dominance with high fidelity solutions that
Henrik Lönn, President, president of Advanced
terms and conditions of a fight are crit- Bryan Rosselli, can be brought to life quickly. Together,
oducts & Solutions for Raytheon
ical to achieve air dominance. For that, Saab International Technology Korea we are an expert in air dominance and
pilots need a complete range of solutions, every part of our business plays a part in
including threat detection, enhanced sit- technologies enable superior detection, ensuring our customers keep their edge
uational awareness, engagement and range, targeting, tracking and protection. in the skies.
landing. Our solutions for advanced fight-
ers ensure that when pilots take to the We have a remarkable legacy in combat Look at the F-35 for example. Although we
skies, they can be confident that their proven sensors, which include our APG-79 don’t make the fighter jet platform, we pro-
systems will help them succeed during and APG-82 radars that are deployed on vide the backbone, the innards, the guts
every mission. the F/A-18 and F-15, respectively. We are -- that make the platform so incredible.
in production for the F-35 Electro-Optical We bring it to life with our capabilities.
We specialize in using open architecture Distributed Aperture System and we have
systems that allow for rapid upgrades and a suite of Electronic Warfare products, Pratt & Whitney builds the engine, the
optimal scalability, while our radar, elec- such as our Radar Warning Receivers F135 engine. Collins’ next-generation
tro/optical infrared and electronic warfare (ALR-69), among other things. Helmet Mounted Display System for the