Page 15 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 2
P. 15

F-35 gives pilots intuitive access to reams   and tactical advantages pilots and air   can integrate with both U.S. and foreign
          of flight, tactical, and sensor information   crews need to stay ahead of ground and   weapons.
          providing advanced situational awareness,   airborne threats.
          precision and safety. The helmet brings in                                  The indigenous South Korea defence indus-
          data from Raytheon’s next-generation F-35   One of our newest products is a low SWAP   try has grown at a fast pace in recent years.
          Distributed Aperture System, or DAS, which   - Air Cooled AESA radar – PhantomStrike   Is Raytheon open to partnerships, including
          collects and sends real-time, high-res-  – is a GaN-powered array designed for   joint ventures, with South Korean defence
          olution imagery to the helmet from six   SWaP-constrained air platforms, includ-  companies?
          infrared cameras mounted around the    ing UAVs, rotary wing, light attack and
          aircraft. Raytheon enables fighter pilots   adversary aircraft. The total system is
          to dominate the airspace and complete   exceptionally light— weighing less than   Though APS is a relatively new business,
          direct attack, standoff and strike mis-  150 pounds. About half the weight of   RTX’s partnership in Korea spans more
          sions with precision. Weapons for the F-35   modern fire control AESA radars.   than six decades. And our commitment
          include the AIM-9X Sidewinder missile,                                        to the Republic of Korea and our partners
          AMRAAM missile, JSM missile, wJSOW                                            there is as resolute as ever.
          weapon, and StormBreaker smart weap-   When you’re in the cockpit—time is of the
          on. Pilots can aim these weapons through   essence. We have a suite of Electronic
          our helmet.                            Warfare products, including our Radar   Thanks to that longstanding relationship,
                                                 Warning Receiver – ALR-69, which gives   we’ve been able to pursue several major
                                                 pilots more time by giving them advanced   collaborations in Korea, including partner-
          And that F-35 example is just one small   situational awareness to see the threat   ships with Hanwha, KAI, Korean Air, and
          insight into the power of one RTX.     before it sees them.                   LIGNex1 on various solutions in-country
                                                                                        and for export. We understand Korea’s
        Advanced Products & Solutions is one of   And the last one I’ll mention is the Raytheon   emphasis on the export market – as wit-
        the new businesses established under the   Distributed Aperture System, or RDAS,   nessed by our PhantomStrike partnership
        new RTX business which includes many Air   which gives pilots 360-degree spherical   with KAI on their FA-50 export to Poland
        Dominance products. What else can you tell   situational awareness. It gives pilots eyes   – and given our many decades long expe-
        me about the portfolio and the business’   to see in the dark without night vision   rience in exporting around the globe, we
        mission?                                 goggles. It also offers passive missile   can be a great partner in helping Korean
                                                 detection, autonomous threat tracking   companies not only build critical systems
          Advanced Products & Solutions, or APS,   and obstacle avoidance.              for the defence of Korea, but for export
          is one of eight strategic businesses within                                   to global markets.
          Raytheon. Our business is unique; we’re   RTX is upgrading Korea Aerospace Industries’
          known as the mission equipment supplier   FA-50 aircraft with the PhantomStrike radar.   LIGNex1 is a premier provider of Electronic
          with the mission to be the premier suppli-  What is the timeline for the upgrades?   Warfare systems in Korea. Raytheon has
          er of advanced aerospace and defence                                          an extremely advanced and mature EW
          products to aircraft OEMs, the U.S. gov-                                      group. We signed an MOU with LIGNex1
          ernment and ally nations. Our portfolio is   Yes, we’re under contract with Korea   to identify areas of collaboration and are
          expansive – spanning EO/IR, agile radars,   Aerospace Industries to deliver the   excited to work with them as a partner. We
          space, imaging and microelectronics and   PhantomStrike radar for their FA-50 air-  look forward to collaborating with local in-
          many classified programmes.            craft for Poland. We are expecting to make
                                                 those deliveries in 2025.              dustry to bring critical technologies to the
                                                                                        warfighter and ensure mission success.
          We have a storied legacy in radars. We led
          the radar revolution for nearly 40 years. We   The sale to KAI bolsters the Republic of
          were the first to field an AESA radar and   Korea’s defence industry as PhantomStrike  How important is South Korea and the Asia
          today our active electronically scanned   fire control ASEA will support KAI’s goal of  Pacific region for the military side of RTX’s
          array (AESA) radars are the cornerstone   selling aircraft worldwide to a variety of  business?
          of current and future military aircraft --   end-users with a state of the technology
          providing the exceptional performance   air-cooled, affordable radar.         The APAC region is critical to our busi-
                                                                                        ness. Our commitment and partnership
                                                 Equally important is the fact our      in Korea stretch back 60 years. The region
                                                 PhantomStrike radar will help enhance   is a key growth market for APS and RTX.
                                                 ROK’s allies’ air defence capabilities
                                                 providing exceptional performance and
                                                 tactical advantages that pilots and air   We have and continue to support major
                                                 crews need to stay ahead of ground and   programmes in maritime, Intelligence
                                                 airborne threats. With digital beam form-  Surveillance and Reconnaissance and
                                                 ing and steering, multimode functionality   air & missile defence domains such as
                                                 and interleaved ground and air targeting,   Patriot, SM-2, RAM, Phalanx, AMRAAM
                                                 PhantomStrike will give KAI’s customers   and AIM-9X to South Korea and U.S. forc-
                                                 superior radar capability at nearly half the   es in-country.  We will continue that legacy
                                                 cost of typical fire control radars. It also   of collaboration and support, to help meet
                                                 has a mode weapons data link and we    the needs of our APAC partners.

        SEOUL ADEX 2023                                                                                  OCTOBER-18-2023 15
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