Page 11 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 2
P. 11

OPAL – Network Centric Operations System

        OPAL decentralized battle management
        solution revolutionizes military operations
        by enabling seamless interconnectivity and
        real-time data sharing, allowing military
        forces worldwide to meet the challenges
        of the modern combat arena.

        The need to share information among var-
        ious forces, establish a unified situational
        awareness, and ensure effective commu-
        nication underpinned the development of

        OPAL creates networking connectivity and
        enables data sharing among all members of
        a fighting force, regardless of whether they
        are airborne, naval, or land-based.

        OPAL enables users to share a common
        picture of the battlespace in real-time, to
        connect not only through verbal descriptions
        but through image, video sharing, or data
        exchange as well. Unlike traditional data-
        links that provide update rates of several
        seconds, OPAL’s real-time network, boasting
        millisecond update intervals, addresses
        critical needs such as preventing mid-air   management system, or acquiring OPAL  provides standard services that cater to
        collisions during close fighter jet formations   while utilizing their indigenous existing com-  different operational capabilities (also re-
        and other time-sensitive scenarios.    munications radios, datalink networks, sen-  ferred to as Applications).
                                               sors, and systems.
        Leveraging existing or new software-de-                                       Battle-proven and operational on a wide
        fined radios and data links, OPAL efficient-  OPAL offers a range of hardware solu-  array of platforms, OPAL has been suc-
        ly shares large amount of real-time data.   tions tailored to different platforms and  cessfully deployed on fighter jets, training
        OPAL provides customers with a high de-  enduser requirements. These hardware  aircraft, tankers, helicopters, mission air-
        gree of operational autonomy. Customers   platforms rely on optimized software mid-  craft, command and control centers and
        have the option of ordering SDR systems   dleware architecture, known as Application  ships, as well as other platforms in Israel
        and datalinks as a part of the OPAL battle   Framework. The Application Framework  and in various other countries.

        BAE Systems Looks

        to Expand Extensive

        Korean Footprint

        Enthused by the selection of its Archerfish  event are the nano bug drone, digital helmet,   winds of more than 50mph.
        Mine Neutralisation System by Korea  military GPS, virtual training system, camera
        Aerospace Industries (KAI) earlier this year  sensor, optical display precision guidance   According to the company, the Striker II
        for the development of a mine disposal  system, and LiteHUD head-up display.  digital Helmet-Mounted Display (HMD) is
                                                                                      the world’s only HMD to combine a 40⁰
        system for their new helicopter programme,                                    field of view, daylight readable color display
        BAE Systems is promoting a range of prod-  The bug drone was developed by the com-  and integrated night vision. As part of its
        ucts at the Show and highlighting collabo-  pany in collaboration with UAVTEK; the na-  longstanding relationship with Korea, BAE
        rations in Korea that extend across the air,  no-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) weighs   Systems has delivered a significant number
        sea, land, and security domains.       196g, has a 40-minute battery life and a   of Bv-206s all-terrain vehicles to the Korean
                                               2km range. It boasts a stealthy low visual   Army and equipped 30 of Korea’s naval
        Among the company’s main exhibits at the  profile and the ability to fly even in strong   platforms with its combat systems.
        SEOUL ADEX 2023                                                                                  OCTOBER-18-2023 11
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