Page 7 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 3
P. 7

Safran Showcases Extensive Product Portfolio

        Safran is participating in the ongoing Show,
        with its large portfolio of products in the
        defence and commercial sectors. On display
        is a mock-up of  its AASM HAMMER (highly
        agile modular munition extended) precision
        munition, UCAP (ultra-compact multifunc-
        tion avionics platform) flight control system
        and cockpit solutions, along with a simulator
        for the EuroFlir 410 airborne electro-optical
        system. The AASM HAMMER has a range of
        over 70 km and is compatible with different
        standard bomb bodies (125, 250, 500 and
        1000 kg). It offers fire & forget capability and
        insensitivity to GNSS denied environments.
        Its stand-off range firing and simultaneous
        multi-target attack capability dramatically
        upgrades the combat effectiveness of the
        combat platform it is integrated with. The
        weapon system can be launched from low
        altitude, over rough terrain and is insensitive
        to jamming. Interoperable and modular,
        AASM Hammer covers all the tactical re-  On display at the show is a simulator for  Marking provides target marking for either
        quirements for air forces thanks to different  the EuroFlir 410 airborne electro-optical  crew members or allied ground forces with
        guidance kits - INS / GPS; INS / GPS / IR  system. The Euroflir 410 family of airborne   night vision goggles. The EuroflirTM 410
        and INS / GPS / laser.                 electro-optical sensors can be integrated on   Designation offers accurate designation
                                               fixed, rotary-wing aircraft and unmanned ae-  with suitable laser coding for laser-guided
        Safran’s UCAP is a powerful and compact  rial vehicles (UAV) to carry out, intelligence,
        multifunction avionics computer. UCAP  protection, search and rescue missions in   weapons. The Euroflir 410 operates in four
        computers meet the most demanding ar-  any conditions, thanks to its long-range   spectral wavebands - TV, NIR, SWIR, MWIR
        chitecture requirements and reach the most  observation and accurate targeting and   – with a wide field-of-view and ultra-long-
        severe environment constraints. It features  designation capabilities. The Euroflir 410   range observation, allowing it to function
        a new generation multi-core processor and  family of sensors is available in three main   at standoff distance any time day or night.
        UCAP can host or be interfaced with many  versions, with different configuration choic-  The Euroflir 410 is specially adapted to the
        onboard sensors (inertial measurement unit,  es to address different customer needs. The   wide variety of missions: supporting law
        GNSS receiver, etc). It is perfectly suited to  EuroflirTM 410 Surveillance, offers  eyesafe  enforcement, homeland security, border
        today’s aircraft and tomorrow’s urban air  target range measurement and 3D loca-  and coastal surveillance, intelligence, SAR
        mobility challenges.                   tion-determination, while the EuroflirTM 410  and CSAR.

        Excellent Response to                                                         The 10th edition of Indo Defence will take
                                                                                      place across three venues, with Jakarta
        Indo Defence 2024, Say Organisers                                             International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran,
                                                                                      Jakarta, as the main venue. The aircraft stat-
                                                                                      ic display will be at Halim Perdana Kusuma
        More than 1.000 domestic and international                                    Air Force Base while the Pondok Dayung
        companies from 60 countries are expected                                      Naval Base will highlight the event’s naval
        to attend Indo Defence 2024 that will take                                    display.
        place from Nov. 6-9 next year in Jakarata.
                                                                                      Indo Defence 2024 Expo & Forum will be
        Encouraged by the response from the inter-                                    organised by PT Napindo Media Ashatama
        national defence community to the previous                                    and hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of
        edition, the organizers of Indo Defence 2024                                  Defence. At the event last year, the aircraft
        are at the ongoing Show, promoting the                                        static display featured ten aircraft displays
        event. The Head of the Committee for the                                      including the Black Hawk, Rafale, Gabriel
        upcoming event, Major General Mohammad                                        – Blackshape, L410 NG, KT-1 Wong Bee,
        Fadjar, who is also the Director General of                                   NC 212, CN 235, CN 295, Caracal EC 725,
        Defence Potential in the Indonesian Ministry                                  and N 219.
        of Defence, is part of the Indonesian official
        delegation at the Show.  According to the                                     The previous edition involved 905 partici-
        organizers, the event has evoked an enthu-  exhibitors from 35 countries at the previous  pants from 59 countries, including 32 coun-
        siastic response from companies across  edition confirming their participation in the  tries pavilions. The total number of visitors
        regions with 85 % of local and international  next edition.                   was more than 36.000.
        SEOUL ADEX 2023                                                                                  OCTOBER-19-2023 7
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