Page 1 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 1
P. 1


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              I believe that one of the primary goals for us in the

              coming years is to further strengthen our Army
                                                                                       strong and resilient army is one of
              and the Armed Forces...Today, necessary steps                        A the major factors that characterize
                                                                                   Azerbaijan today. The country’s booming
              are being taken for the future development of our                    economic strength has allowed it to focus

              Armed Forces. Necessary weapons and                                  on military develeopment and addressing
                                                                                   social issues. With public spending on the
              equipment are being purchased; new armed units                       military increasing by leaps and bounds,
              are being set up. The number of Special Forces                       Azerbaijan’s army has entered a whole new
                                                                                   world of possibilities.
              has been increased several times, and the number                     Azerbaijan’s state budget allotted a total
              of soldiers in the new “Commando” units is in the                    of AZN 6.421 billion or US$3.77 billion for
                                                                                   defence and national security in 2024, sig-
              thousands, and this process continues.”                              nificantly more than about US$216 million
                                                                                   allocated the previous year.

                                                                                   The 5th Anniversary Azerbaijan International
              President of the                                                     Defense Exhibition ADEX, the largest event
              Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev                                 in the region dedicated to the defence in-
                                                                                   dustry, comes in the wake of the country’s
                                                                                   army building programs.
                                                                                                          ...Cont’d to PG 3
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