Page 10 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 1
P. 10
Hurjet Completes 100th Flight
Türkiye’s first indigenous advanced jet train-
er aircraft, Hurjet, successfully completed its
100th flight in August this year. During the
flight, Hurjet reached an altitude of 30,000
feet and a speed of Mach 0.8.
The Hurjet Project was initiated to be in-
cluded in the Turkish Air Force inventory,
replacing the T-38 aircraft used for jet tran-
sition training and the F-5 aircraft used in the Jet Trainer Development Project.
aerobatic displays. Hurjet is planned to over 100 units for the Turkish
replace jet trainer aircraft with over 20 years air force and 300 for export
of service and is also intended to serve as customers.” Designed with the goal of 5th-generation
a jet trainer aircraft that meets the require- training aircraft, Hurjet will be equipped with
ments of rapidly increasing 5th generation an advanced mission computer in its mod-
aircraft and their updated configurations. Powered by a General Electric F404-GE-102 ern cockpit. The aircraft will be equipped
engine, the aircraft is slated to have a max- with state of the art Human Machine
The Advanced Jet Trainer Hurjet is a sin- imum speed of Mach 1.4 and a range of Interface (HMI) with minimum conversion
gle-engine aircraft with tandem-seats, and 2,222 kilometers (1,200 nautical miles). time to F-35 and Turkish Fighter.
equipped with a modern avionics suite.
“Hurjet aims to replace ageing The aircraft will be supplied with superior
On April 25, 2023, Hurjet completed its in- radar and sensitive attack systems, and with
augural test flight, achieving an altitude of T-38s as Advanced Jet Trainers air and ground communication capabilities,
14000 feet and a speed of 250 knots during (AJT) and F-5s as Acrobatic it will reduce threats and risks. Hurjet will be
the test, while remaining airborne for 26 44.6-feet-long with a wingspan of 31 feet
minutes, an official of Turkish Aerospace, Team Aircraft of the TuAF,” he and a payload capacity of 2,721 kilograms.
the makers of the aircraft, said. said. Though originally designed as a jet
trainer, the single-engine, tandem-seat jet The aircraft will have 7 weapons stations,
Turkish Aerospace is aggressively mar- will also be equipped with modern avionics three under the wing and one under the fu-
keting its advanced jet trainer and light and high-performance components to con- selage. Hürjet will be able to carry payloads
attack aircraft Hurjet. A company official duct combat missions. totalling approximately 3 tons.
said , “There is a total market
for about 400 Hurjets over the The Hürjet Project, carried out under the Considering the multirole aircraft market,
coordination of the Turkish Defence Industry Turkish Aerospace has started the Hurjet
next two decades. This includes Agency, was launched in August 2017 as programme with the intention of targeting
the potential in the market with its “cost
effective design and production of trainer/
light aircraft/system.”
The company hopes to start serial produc-
tion of the aircraft in 2025, “based on the
success of the performance of the initial
From 2026, it will gradually replace the
Cold War-era Northrop T-38 Talon as the
advanced trainer jet of the Turkish Air Force.
According to TAI, the Hürjet will also be able
to fulfill close air support missions, as well
as conduct air policing. The Hürjet has yet
to win an export contract.