Page 11 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 1
P. 11

Barzan Holdings Eyeing Azerbaijan’s

        National Defence Requirements

        Barzan Holdings, the Qatar based defence   Today, Barzan Holdings boasts an impres-  “we believe that we can bring
        and high-technology company, is partici-  sive portfolio of entities including wholly
        pating as a ‘Bronze Sponsor’ at the ongong   owned subsidiaries Barzan Maintenance   that experience here and share
        Azerbaijan International Defence Exhibition   Shield (BMS), Barzan Industrial Group  it with various countries. This
        (ADEX) with the aim of deepening its rela-  (BIG), the engineering and manufactur-  will also be an added advantage
        tionship with Azerbaijan. Barzan Holdings is   ing arm, and Barood Ammunition Factory
        showcasing a wide-range of sophisticated   in addition to majority-owned subsidiary   working with different countries
        defence equipment that is well suited to the   Qsur, as well as BINDIG and Rheinmetall  in the region.”
        defence needs of Azerbaijan and can also   Barzan Advanced Technologies (RBAT),
        be offered with high levels of ‘Transfer of   joint ventures with Beretta Holding, and
        Technology’ (ToT).                     German technology group Rheinmetall,   With the current global political situation,
                                                                                      there has been a positive shift in defence
                                               respectively. These entities have spear-  budgets globally, with multiple countries
        Speaking to GBP Aerospace & Defence,  headed the development of cutting-edge   such as Germany, France, UK, and Japan
        earlier this year, Abdullah Al Khater, Barzan  technologies, featuring products ranging   raising their defence budgets significantly.
        Holdings CEO said, “Barzan Holdings    from locally manufactured modular weap-  Such upward shifts in defence spending will
        is always exploring new oppor-         ons by BIG and high-quality small caliber   lead to growing demand for the defence in-
                                               ammunition by Barood, to tactical gear by
        tunities to advance its objec-         QSUR, and state-of-art portable weapon   dustry and this is an opportunity for Barzan
                                                                                      Holdings to partner with Azerbaijan to grow
        tives  and  create  sustainable        systems by BINDIG.                     its partnership and to work closely with
        value for Qatar and its partners                                              them. Qatar is seeking to develop coop-
                                               Barzan Holdings was established in 2016,  eration with Azerbaijan in all political and
        worldwide. In this context, we  with the aim to first  serve the Qatar armed  economic fields and in the defence sector,
        continue to prioritize partner-        forces. However, in recent the company has  Barzan Holdings will drive growth.
        ships that extend beyond the           rapidly expanded globally with a special
                                               focus on countries such as Azerbaijan,
        supply of products and services  which is modernising its armed forces.       Turkey and Azerbaijan share a growing
                                                                                      political relationship which has helped open
        to forge long-term meaningful          With the greater need for an independent   the doors for greater defence cooperation.
        connections that lead to pro-          defence industry, Azerbaijan is looking to   Diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan
                                               establish its own local defence industry and
        ductive collaborations on new  local defence services. This is an area that   and Qatar was established on September
                                                                                      14, 1994. The Embassy of The Republic
        technological  solutions  and          Barzan Holdings has a lot of experience,   of Azerbaijan to the State of Qatar and
        innovations both in Qatar and          having done the same to grow the defence   the Embassy of the State of Qatar to the
                                               industry in Qatar. Speaking to GBP Show
        overseas.”                             Daily, a company official said,        Republic of Azerbaijan were opened in

        AZERBAIJAN INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION 2024                                              SEPTEMBER-24-2024 11
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