Page 14 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 2
P. 14

Retinar AESA to Track All UAVs                                               generation threats.

                                                                                      “We are creating this new product as an
                                                                                      advanced technology product that differs
                                                                                      from similar radar systems in the world
                                                                                      with its increased update frequency and
                                                                                      thus tracking performance, the ability to
                                                                                      detect and track both air and land targets at
                                                                                      the same time, high classification success
                                                                                      achieved as a result of low-speed target
                                                                                      sensitivity, operation while moving and
                                                                                      dome-shaped hemispherical coverage fea-
                                                                                      tures. We are looking forward to the Retinar
                                                                                      AESA’s deployment in the field and to the
                                                                                      Retinar family adding new achievements
                                                                                      to its successes,” Baktir said.

        Turkish company Meteksan Defense is of-  scanning and MIMO structure has a 90 x 90
        fering its newly introduced Retinar AESA  degree coverage with a single radar panel,   Thanks to its design and low power con-
        radars to the international market. Retinar  and has the ability to detect air and ground   sumption, this advanced radar system can
        AESA, a new member of the Retinar ground  targets simultaneously at long ranges with   be used not only for stationary protection
        surveillance radars product family, will be  an expanded target set.          of critical facilities and borders, but also on
        able to detect and track not only mini/micro                                  moving vehicles with vehicle integration.
        UAVs but also Kamikaze UAVs and Tactical  İzzet Adil Baktir, Vice-President of Meteksan  “With its ability to operate on the move,
        UAVs.                                  Defence Radar Systems, said that Retinar  Retinar AESA will be a force multiplier for
                                               AESA was specially designed according  our security units as a critical system in con-
        The  new  generation  active  electronic  to the needs of armed forces against new  voy / VIP protection missions,” he added.

        GIDS Showcases Taimoor,  Shahpar-II

        Pakistan’s state-owned Global Industrial and
        Defence Solutions (GIDS) is showcasing
        Taimoor, a highly precise, long-range and all
        weather capable air launched cruise missile
        (ALCM), in Azerbaijan. The ALCM can be de-
        ployed in the air-to-ground operational role,
        and is capable of carrying conventional war-
        heads for land attack and for precise land
        attack missions, incorporating an imaging
        infra-red seeker, a company official said.

        With a range of 290 kilometres, the weapon
        can fly very low over ground at a program-
        mable height by reducing the detection
        probability, thus increasing its survivability.
        It is equipped with warheads designed for
        lethality against specific targets.

        It has a launch speed of 350 Kias / 0.55
        Mach ~ 550 Kias / 0.85 Mach, and can
        cruise at 0.7 ~ 0.8 Mach (450 ~ 500 knots),   design. The combat version of block-II has  has come a long way in achieving a strong
        at an altitude of 2000 to 25000 feet. The   an endurance of 12 hours and a ceiling of  foothold in the defence sector and now has
        weapon is 4.38 meters long and weighs1100   21000 feet.                       superior capabilities in multifaceted realms,
        kilograms.                                                                    including high-tech systems and UAVs.  The
                                               The maximum take-off weight is 1075 kg   company is now focused on marketing the
        Shahpar-II (block-II)                  and it is capable of carrying four air-to-  indigenously designed and built MALE-class
        GGIDS is also presenting the indigenous   ground-missiles in the operational mode. It   UCAV to the export market. “All these UAVs
        MALE class combat UCAV Shahpar-II (block-  has a data link range of 300 km and 1500   are battle-proven with a capability to oper-
        II) to the global audience. The UCAV is the   km (with SATCOM).               ate effectively in hostile environments and
        successor of the Shahpar-II (block-I), with                                   are successfully in service with the Pakistan
        superior features and newer aerodynamic   The company official said that Pakistan   Armed Forces,” the official said.

        14  SEPTEMBER-25-2024                                                                    WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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