Page 11 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 2
P. 11

potential for joint defence production was  among their peoples. Initiatives in this area  in economic integration, security collabo-
        also explored, reflecting a strategic move  include educational exchanges, joint cultural  ration, and cultural exchange will not only
        towards self-reliance and mutual support  projects, and people-to-people contacts. The  benefit their respective populations but
        in defence technologies. This aspect of  launch of direct flights between Azerbaijan  also contribute to broader regional stability
        trilateral cooperation is particularly signifi-  and Pakistan has significantly contributed   and prosperity. The commitment to regular
        cant given the complex security dynamics  to these contacts between the countries   high-level meetings and enhanced collabo-
        of the wider region.                   and bilateral tourism. The two countries are   ration in various sectors ensures that this
                                               working on expanding flight connectivity   trilateral cooperation will continue to evolve,
        Cultural and educational exchanges were  and conducting flights from various cities   addressing emerging challenges and lever-
        also a key focus of the summit. The leaders  of the two countries.            aging new opportunities for mutual benefit.
        agreed on the importance of promoting                                         Dr Vasif Huseynov, is a Senior Advisor
        cultural understanding and academic col-  The future of the trilateral cooperation be-  at the Center of Analysis of International
        laboration, aiming to strengthen the histor-  tween Azerbaijan, Türkiye, and Pakistan   Relations (AIR Center) and Adjunct Lecturer
        ical bonds and foster deeper connections  looks promising. Their collaborative efforts   at Khazar University in Baku, Azerbaijan.

        Kalashnikov GP-46 Grenade                                                     Meanwhile, Kalashnikov develops single
                                                                                      catapult  for  its  drones  based  on  SMO
        Launcher Makes Int’l Debut                                                    experience
                                                                                      A project for the development of a single
                                                                                      ground launching device (catapult) for in-
                                                                                      ternally produced guided loitering muni-
                                                                                      tions (GLMs) and unmanned aerial vehicles
                                                                                      (UAVs) is being undertaken by Kalashnikov
                                                                                      Concern JSC. The project is carried out at
                                                                                      the customers’ special-purpose depart-
                                                                                      ments’ request. Testing of the prototype is
                                                                                      presently underway.

                                                                                      “A single catapult for UAVs and GLMs of
                                                                                      different weight classes is a consider-
                                                                                      able technical challenge. By using a single
                                                                                      ground launch solution, customers will be
                                                                                      able to greatly boost our drones’ efficiency
                                                                                      and cut down on the amount of time needed
                                                                                      for training crews,” the project developers

                                                                                      The Russian army has been actively using
                                                                                      unmanned aerial vehicles from Zala Aero,
                                                                                      an affiliate of the Kalashnikov concern.

        The  Kalashnikov  GP-46  40x46  mm  un-  The grenade launcher can be fired from the
        der-barrel grenade launcher made its in-  shoulder or from cover and is capable of
        ternational debut at the 5th International  direct aim shots up to 400 meters, engaging
        Defense Industry Exhibition ADEX 2024. It  both specific and area targets.
        is designed to engage enemy personnel in
        trenches and unarmored vehicles.

        The GP-46, a 40x46 mm grenade launcher,
        is designed to engage enemy personnel in
        trenches and unarmored vehicles.

        The grenade launcher can be coupled to
        a Kalashnikov rifle or used independently
        with a quick-detach buttstock module. It
        allows for for both low-angle and high-angle
        shots. When mounted on an AK, the grenade
        launcher does not impede the rifle’s ability
        to fire. Reloading the grenade launcher in-
        volves rotating the barrel to the left or right.

        AZERBAIJAN INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION 2024                                              SEPTEMBER-25-2024 11
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