Page 12 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 2
P. 12
Fada Takes Edge into Space
UAE-based defence conglomerate Edge has mission is to develop sovereign space in this critical domain.”
made its foray into space capabilities with capabilities and homegrown technolo-
the launch of ‘Fada’. gies in the UAE,” a company official said.
As a critical component of Edge’s strategic
Fada, which means space in Arabic, is ex- By leveraging national and international vision, FADA will establish state-of-the-art fa-
pected to boost the group’s global compet- partnerships and fostering vital synergies cilities for the development, manufacturing,
itiveness, solidify its position as a leader in through the transfer of technology (ToT) and assembly, integration, and testing of various
space capabilities, and add next-generation transfer of knowledge (ToK), Fada aims to satellite systems and subsystems, serving
solutions to its rapidly-growing product build a self-reliant sovereign space sector as a one-stop shop for all space-related
portfolio. that can support national and commercial activities and providing end-to-end solu-
requirements, ensuring the UAE remains at tions and services to local and international
The launch of Fada follows Edge’s selection the cutting edge of space innovation and customers, including: Synthetic Aperture
in November 2023 as the prime contractor technology. Radar (SAR), Optical (EO) and Infrared (IR)
in a strategic partnership agreement with payloads, as well as satellite platforms,
the UAE Space Agency to implement the Fada will also significantly contribute to and satellite cybersecurity and protection
‘Sirb’ (Arabic for flock) programme, a con- the UAE’s transition to a knowledge- based services in addition to other space activities.
stellation of three fully IP owned synthetic economy and its broader economic diver-
aperture radar (SAR) satellites, marking one sification goals.
of EDGE’s first ventures in the space domain. Waleid Al Mesmari, President, Space
& Cyber Technologies, Edge, said:
Hamad Al Marar, Managing Director and “With the launch of Fada, Edge rein-
Sirb aims to launch the first satellite, Sirb- Chief Executive Officer, Edge Group, said: forces its commitment to pioneering
1, by 2026 and is the first national space
capability-building programme to be imple- “The launch of Fada will enable Edgeto advanced technologies and forging
mented by a local industrial consortium led grow and fortify its position in the local and global partnerships to es-
by key players in the UAE’s private space global space industry in line with the tablish next-generation facilities for
sector and national centres, with a planned UAE’s vision of becoming a leader the development of satellite systems,
expansion of collaboration with other indus- in space technologies, creating the while building a sustainable and skilled
try players, SMEs, and start-ups to further blueprint for a self-sufficient and in- space-focused workforce. We are
boost the expertise and capabilities of the novative ecosystem. This landmark pleased to drive this forward-think-
programme. development also adds next-genera- ing initiative which not only enhances
tion solutions to our product portfolio, our national capabilities and drives us
“Edge is fully committed to advancing representing a strategic leap towards positively towards a knowledge-based
the UAE’s strategic interests in defence technological excellence and signaling economy, but also sets a new bench-
and advanced technology, and Fada’s our broader ambitions to be a disruptor mark in the global space landscape. ”