Page 10 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 2
P. 10



        Azerbaijan, Turkey and

        Pakistan trilateral co-operation

        has a lot of potential

           By Dr Vasif Huseynov

        On July 3, 2024, Ilham Aliyev, President  of the three parliamentary speakers after
        of  Azerbaijan,  Recep  Tayyip  Erdoğan,  their first meeting in Baku vowed to build
        President of Türkiye, and Shahbaz Sharif,  lasting tripartite cooperation between their
        Prime Minister of Pakistan, came together  parliaments and was more explicit than the
        in their first trilateral summit in Astana,  earlier trilateral declaration of the foreign   countries agree that this falls short of the
        Kazakhstan. The summit, held on the side-  ministers (2017) in its support of the ter-  real potential, and they must take more
        lines of the 24th Meeting of the Council of  ritorial integrity of the three countries. The   steps to strengthen economic bonds. Baku
        Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation  declaration expressed support to Azerbaijan   and Islamabad are expected to finalize the
        Organization (SCO), marked a significant  in its efforts to rebuild and rehabilitate the   Preferential Trade Agreement soon, which
        milestone in the growing cooperation among  liberated Karabakh territories; to Pakistan in   includes tax and customs privileges on 15
        the three countries. It underscored an ele-  its conflict over Jammu and Kashmir, call-  or more products and services. It is expect-
        vation of the trilateral format in their coop-  ing for a resolution in accordance with the   ed that as a result of these privileges, the
        eration from the existing parliamentary and  respective United Nations Security Council   trade turnover between the two countries
        ministerial levels to the state leadership and  resolutions; and to Türkiye in the settlement   will exceed $40 million in the next 2-3 years.
        as such highlighted their interest in deeper  of the disputes in Cyprus, the Aegean and
        collaboration in various spheres, including  the Eastern Mediterranean, on the basis of
        economy and military.                  international law.                     One of the key highlights was the discussion
                                                                                      on the Middle Corridor initiative, which is
                                                                                      crucial for enhancing trade routes and eco-
        The historical and cultural bonds between  The leaders’ meeting in Astana highlighted   nomic integration across the region. This
        Azerbaijan,  Türkiye,  and  Pakistan  are  these connections and underlined the im-  corridor, which passes through Azerbaijan
        well-rooted. These fraternal ties, grounded  portance of further deepening their bonds.   and Türkiye, offers a strategic route con-
        in shared cultural, historical, and religious  They expressed a commitment to regular   necting Asia and Europe. The commitment
        values, have been a foundation for their  high-level meetings and continued support   to developing this corridor underscores
        partnership and proved to be important in  for each other within various platforms   the strategic economic importance of the
        critical moments. In 2017, the three coun-  and international organisations. The three   trilateral cooperation, promising new oppor-
        tries made a move to launch a trilateral  leaders stressed the importance of broader   tunities for trade, investment, and economic
        format for cooperation and consultations  initiatives to bring their nations closer and   growth. At the trilateral summit, Pakistan’s
        concerning common challenges and op-   proposed some steps towards this purpose.  participation in the Middle Corridor was
        portunities. In November of that year, they                                   discussed and its potential to contribute
        laid the groundwork for this format with   Economic cooperation was a central theme   to the promotion of economic and trade
        Azerbaijan’s then-foreign minister Elmar   of the trilateral discussions at the summit.   relations between the countries involved
        Mammadyarov hosting a trilateral meeting   The leaders emphasized the need to boost   was stressed.
        with his counterparts Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu   trade and economic relations, recognizing
        of Türkiye and Khawaja Muhammad Asif   the significant potential for collaboration
        of Pakistan. The three countries boosted   in various sectors, including innovation,   Furthermore, defence collaboration featured
        the trilateral cooperation in the wake of   energy, agriculture, and education. The trade   prominently in the summit. The leaders dis-
        Azerbaijan’s historic victory in the Second   relations between Pakistan and its Turkic   cussed the importance of regular joint mil-
        Karabakh War (2020) during which Baku   partners are positively affected by their   itary exercises to strengthen their defence
        received significant political support from   commitments for deeper ties.    capabilities. The success of the “Three
        Ankara and Islamabad.                                                         Brothers” military exercises held in 2021
                                                                                      was cited as a model for future collabora-
                                               Azerbaijan’s trade turnover with Pakistan   tions. These exercises not only enhanced
        In  July  2021,  Azerbaijan,  Türkiye,  and   reached a record level of 28 million USD in   military readiness but also fostered greater
        Pakistan established another dimension   2022, while Türkiye’s trade with this coun-  understanding and interoperability among
        of the trilateral cooperation by launching   try also marked a record growth reach-  the armed forces of the three nations. The
        the parliamentary format. The declaration   ing 1.3 billion USD in that year. All three

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