Page 5 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 2
P. 5

Kit developed by Roketsan.             altitude system identification and perfor-  vehicle, successfully completed its first
                                               mance test conducted at the Akinci flight  flight at the Akinci flight training and test
        “The superior performance of Anka III in  training and test center in Çorlu, Tekirdağ.  center.
        the tests is an indication that it will make
        a great contribution to our country’s oper-  During the test, the integration of the  The Bayraktar TB3 UAV will be the world’s
        ational capabilities and defence capacity  Aselflir-500 electro-optical reconnaissance,  first armed unmanned aerial vehicle ca-
        in the future,” a TAI official said.   surveillance and targeting system was suc-  pable of taking off from- and landing on
                                               cessfully completed. The Bayraktar Akinci  short-runway vessels like TCG Anadolu
        Anka-III had its maiden flight last December,  UAV, conducting training flights during the  with its foldable wing structure. Selçuk
        following its first engine run conducted in  test, was tracked by Aselflir-500.  Bayraktar, Baykar’s Chairman and Chief
        March 2023.                                                                   Technology Officer, announced that they
                                               The Bayraktar TB3 UAV has successfully  plan to start tests with TCG Anadolu for
        The Anka-III UCAV, poised to advance our  conducted 25 flight tests to date. Having  Bayraktar TB3 within 2024.
        capabilities in unmanned aerial vehicle  completed a total of 196 hours of flight
        technologies, is designed to operate at  during test flights, the Bayraktar TB3 has  “The capabilities that Bayraktar TB3 will
        40,000 feet, reach a speed of Mach 0.7,  successfully  passed  the  high-altitude  possess will be an important innovation
        and stay airborne for up to 10 hours, with  system performance tests many times  for unmanned aerial vehicles in this class.
        a take-off weight of approximately seven  by flying above 30,000 feet altitude. The  With beyond-line-of-sight communication
        tons.                                  Bayraktar TB3 UAV, which has successfully  capability, the indigenous UAV will be con-
                                               completed tests measuring system and  trollable from very long distances. Thus,
        Aselflir-500 on Bayraktar TB3          endurance performance, is powered by  with reconnaissance-surveillance, intelli-
                                               TEI’s indigenous PD-170 engine.        gence, and the attack missions it carries
        The Bayraktar TB3 UAV flew for the first                                      out against overseas targets with its smart
        time with the Aselflir-500, developed in-  The  second  prototype  (PT-2)  of  the  munitions, it will have a multiplier effect
        digenously by Aselsan, during the medium   Bayraktar TB3 armed unmanned aerial  on Türkiye’s deterrent power,” a company
                                                                                      official said.

                                                                                      Export Champion

                                                                                      Baykar, which has self-financed all its proj-
                                                                                      ects since its establishment, obtained 83
                                                                                      per cent of its total revenue from exports
                                                                                      since the beginning of the UAV R&D pro-
                                                                                      cess in 2003. According to the Turkish
                                                                                      Exporters Assembly’s (TIM) 2021 and 2022
                                                                                      data, Baykar became the top exporter in
                                                                                      the defense and aerospace sector.

                                                                                      The Defense Industry Agency announced
                                                                                      that Baykar was the top exporter within
                                                                                      the sector in 2023 with US$1.8 billion.
                                                                                      Baykar, which generated more than 90%
                                                                                      of its revenue from exports in recent years,
                                                                                      single-handedly accounted for one third
                                                                                      of the defense and aerospace sector’s
                                                                                      exports in 2023. Export agreements have
                                                                                      been signed with a total of 34 countries –
                                                                                      including 33 countries for the Bayraktar TB2
                                                                                      UAV and nine countries for the Bayraktar
                                                                                      AKINCI UCAV.

        AZERBAIJAN INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION 2024                                              SEPTEMBER-25-2024 5
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