Page 6 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 2
P. 6
Roketsan Pitches Munitions for UAVs
Roketsan is showcasing variants of its Types of Targets: Light Armored /
Mini Akıllı Mühimmat (MAM) smart micro Unarmored Vehicles Anti-Personnel
munition as the ideal solution for emerging Platforms: UAVs Light Attack Aircraft
requirements for light weapons to be used
from UAVs. Roketsan is also looking at marketing the
UAV-230, which can operate day and night.
There is increasing interest for such muni- It is an effective weapon used against sta-
tions that can be effectively used over the tionary land and sea targets, air defence
course of reconnaissance and surveillance radar and communication systems, lightly
missions and are especially useful in en- armoured land or sea vehicles, critical facil-
gaging time critical targets.MAM variants ities such as command centres, personnel,
also offer the advantage of reduced col- Technical Specifications and targets of opportunity.
lateral damage due to its precision guid-
ance system and option of high explosive Diameter: 160 mm Its operational range is 150+ kilometres,
fragmentation war- head or tandem high Length: 1 m depending on the speed and altitude at
energy anti-tank warhead (for use against Weight: 22 kg which the missile is released. Equipped
armoured platforms). with a fragmentation warhead, the UAV-230
Range: 15 km
MAM-T Munition was developed for un- Guidance: Laser Seeker uses different versions of this warhead
against different target types. The system
manned aerial vehicles and light attack air- Warhead Type: Armour piercing is readied for its mission after completion
craft for use in critical air/ground missions. High Explosive Blast Fragmentation, of the firing preparation process before
With its fixed wing structure and improved Thermobaric leaving the UAV. After being released from
warhead,MAM-T provides the user with the UAV, it falls freely in the air for a certain
high strike precision and efficiency against Types of Targets: Main Battle Tanks, period and autonomously ignites the solid
fixed and mobile targets at longer ranges. Light Armoured Vehicles, Personnel fuel engine.
Fuze Type: Impact / Proximity
Platforms: UAVs Light Attack Aircraft The UAV-230 is guided precisely to the
target thanks to its GNSS-supported iner-
MAM-C lightweight Smart Micro Munition tial guidance capability, which provides a
has been developed for unmanned aerial countermeasure against jamming systems.
vehicles [UAV] and light attack aircraft, and The system functions with a fire-and-forget
for air-to-ground missions where weight is capability. It offers the user the opportu-
a critical factor. MAM-C provides high strike nity to use it for critical missions without
precision against static and mobile targets. infiltrating deep into enemy positions.
System Specifications
Destruction of Static and Mobile
Targets through High Strike Precisions
High Blast Fragmentation Warhead Technical Specifications
Developed in Accordance with UAV
Operational Cocepts Technical Specifications Operating Range: 150+ km (*Depends on
Altitude and Speed)
Increased Range through Wing Diameter: 70 mm Warhead: 42 kg Frangible Impact, Armour
Addition High Destructive Power Length: 970 mm Piercing, and Thermobaric Options
Against Critical Aerial Targets Weight: 6.5 kg Weight: 225 kg
MAM-L lightweight Smart Micro Munition Range: 8 km Height: 3.4 m
has been developed for unmanned aerial Guidance: Laser Seeker Target Set: Mobile and Stationary
vehicles [UAV], light attack aircraft and air-to- Warhead Type: Multi-purpose Warhead** Enemy Air Defence Elements, Radar or
ground missions. MAM-L offers high strike Blast Fragmentation, Armour piercing Communication Elements, Command
precision and efficiency with alternative and Incendiary] High Explosive Blast Centres, Light Armoured Ground Vehicles
warheads against fixed and mobile targets. Fragmentation and Other Targets.