Page 7 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 2
P. 7

Azerbaijan Focus on Demining Activities

        Improtex Group of Companies has been  distance is 2000 meters. Machines with  It should be noted that Vietnam is one of
        providing mechanical demining machines  a cleaning depth of 300 mm are easily  the countries that has faced the threat of
        “Revival P” to the Agency for Demining of  operated in areas with hard soil cover and  landmines and other explosive remnants
        the Republic of Azerbaijan (ANAMA).    under a large inclination angle. Based on  of war and has extensive long-term expe-
                                               established standards, ground pounding  rience in combating this threat.
        The Revival P, manufactured under the  by hammers placed on the front of me-
        ‘Made in Azerbaijan’ campaign, is on dis-  chanical vehicles ensures operations in  For ANAMA, learning from international
        play at the show.                      difficult terrain. Remote control of the ma-  experience in mine action, expanding part-
                                               chines guarantees the safety of the staff,”  nerships in this field, and applying newly
        In July this year, Improtex delivered another  ANAMA said.                    gained knowledge to demining activities
        10 units of “Revival P” mechanical demining                                   are of particular importance.
        machines.                              The obtained “Revival P” demining tools
                                               will greatly contribute to the humanitari-  During the meetings, discussions were
        According to international demining stan-  an demining activities carried out in the  held on exchanging advanced experiences
        dards, mechanical demining tools are used  framework of the “Great Return” program,  in this area, establishing and developing
        to detect pedestrian and anti-tank mine  as well as for the safe return of former IDPs  close cooperation, as well as other issues
        lines, prepare areas for clearing areas, and  to their homelands, it added.   of mutual interest.
        shorten suspicious-dangerous areas with
        the support of mine-detecting dogs.    Meanwhile, to expand cooperation and  The ANAMA delegation highlighted the
                                               exchange experiences with international  current problem of landmines and other
        Mechanical demining tools, which are one  organizations specializing in combating  explosive remnants of war in Azerbaijan
        of the demining methodologies, are one  the threat of landmines and unexploded  and provided information on the activities
        of the most important tools in terms of  ordnance (UXO), a delegation led by Vugar  being carried out to address this issue, the
        effective and safe execution of operations.  Suleymanov, Chairman of the Board of  methodologies being applied, and the train-
                                               ANAMA, visited Vietnam recently.       ing conducted in humanitarian demining.
        “Revival  P”  anti-personnel  mechanical
        minesweepers are resistant to 7-kilogram  During the visit, meetings were held with of-  The delegation’s next meetings on this
        TNT explosions. The total weight of the  ficials from the Vietnam Mine Action Center  topic will continue during the visit to the
        equipment is 6.5 tons, the remote control  and the Quang Tri Mine Action Center.   Kingdom of Cambodia shortly.

        AZERBAIJAN INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION 2024                                              SEPTEMBER-25-2024 7
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