Page 3 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 3
P. 3

It’s Official: Azerbaijan Gets JF-17 Fighters

        Azerbaijan has taken delivery of three JF-  operations, were developed as a joint  Raza, provided details about the aircraft’s
        17C (Block-III) multirole fighter aircraft from  venture between Pakistan Aeronautical  tactical and technical specifications, op-
        Pakistan, setting rumours of the purchase  Complex, Kamra and Chengdu Aircraft  erational guidelines, and key performance
        at rest.                               Industry Corporation of China.         indicators.

        On Sep.25, on the sidelines of the 5th  The aircraft have already been integrated  The JF-17C (Block-III) is a single-engine
        Anniversary ADEX2024, President of  into the arsenal of Azerbaijan’s Air Force, an  multirole combat aircraft known for its air-
        the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme  official at Azerbaijan MoD informed.     to-air and air-to-ground capabilities, as well
        Commander-in-Chief Ilham  Aliyev was                                          as its high maneuverability at medium and
        presented the aircraft, at Heydar Aliyev   Defense Minister of the Republic of   low altitudes, making it notable for its ef-
        International Airport.                 Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov,   fective firepower.
                                               reported to Supreme Commander-in-Chief
        It was unofficially reported earlier this year   Ilham Aliyev. Azerbaijan’s Defense Minister  With the purchase, Azerbaijan joins
        that Pakistan inked a US$1.6 billion deal   and Chairman of the Pakistan Aeronautical  Myanmar and Nigeria as nations that have
        to export JF-17C Block-III warplanes to   Complex Board, Air Vice Marshal Hakim  acquired JF-17 Thunder jets from Pakistan.
        Azerbaijan, the country’s largest order to
        supply defence equipment abroad.

        As part of the agreement, Azerbaijan would
        receive 8 JF-17C Block-III aircraft from
        Pakistan besides ammunition, including
        air-to-surface missiles.

        The South Asian sovereign state would
        also train Azerbaijani military personnel in

        These advanced, lightweight, all-weather
        aircraft, designed for both day and night

                                          Editorial Director       Arun Sivasankaran           Art Director
                                          Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
                                                                   Atul Chandra
                                          Editorial Team                                       Sales Director
         PUBLISHED BY                     Jay Menon                Yulian Ardiansyah           Akshay Satyamurthy
                                          Geoffrey Thomas

        AZERBAIJAN INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION 2024                                              SEPTEMBER-26-2024 3
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