Page 6 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 3
P. 6
“Our Vision is to Make
Something Better Than Others”
Aselsan CEO Ahmet Akyol says as Türkiye’s our Aselflir-500 high-performance new global expansion strategy and innovation
leading defence company and a global generation 15” electro-optical recon- in the defence sector. While we are in-
technology company, naissance, surveillance and targeting vesting for future technologies, we are
“we will be closely monitoring system designed for fixed and rotary also focused at the same time on pro-
the changing scene, as well wing airborne platforms. Discussions viding solutions for current challenges
are underway. Azerbaijan is also show-
with innovative technologies.
as new trends and threats in ing interest in guided munitions such
the global warfare and on the as our Tolun. Tolun can be engaged Our vision is to make something better
against soft and hardened multiple tar-
battlefield in the coming years.” gets simultaneously. than others in terms of technology. We
understand our customers’ needs and
Excerpts from the interview. we are thoughtful of those needs. We
have placed innovation at the center
Q. What are some of the key factors that of every single piece of our work as we
Q. We witnessed the keenness of lham went into the company’s extraordinary finan- develop advanced technological solu-
Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, in Aselsan’s cial performance in the first half of 2024? tions in all military domains ranging from
products during his visit to the show? deep ocean to the space. Our portfolio
We are one of the fastest growing compa- of over 500 products, most of which are
Aselsan is not new to Azerbaijan. We nies in the world. We made a significant field-proven, is constantly adapted to
have been here for several years, and leap in the annual “TOP 100 Defence changing technology requirements of
we are the main suppliers of military Companies List” of Defence News climb- our customers worldwide and in line with
communication and information systems ing to 42nd position, up from 47th in the their feedback. As part of our strategic
to the armed forces of Azerbaijan. Now last year’s list. This achievement under- vision that we name AselsaneXt 2030, we
we some interest from Azerbaijan in scores Aselsan’s strong commitment to have set a goal to be among the top 30