Page 5 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 3
P. 5

Excerpts from the interview:             are our main focus as a company. Our    because without competition, we cannot
                                                 focus for the next five years is to en-  be better. So it’s kind of a compliment
                                                 sure capability and sustainability for our   for all of the players. We know it’s a kind
        Q. Barzan is making its first appearance at   platforms.                         of mature market. Somehow there are
        ADEX. What brings you here?                                                      couple of players or main players are
                                                                                         playing. However, we are focusing on
          We have an investment here in Azerbaijan  Q: How important is it for Barzan to explore   certain demands, such as unmanned
          and we have a company called QSTP,  international markets?                     systems. Investments are already been
          which is an investment by us and other   It is very important because we are trying   made in platforms like unmanned vehi-
          shareholders. This shows our commit-                                           cles, counter-UAS solutions, command
          ment to the other bigger markets. We   to foster relationships and attempting   and control systems and ammunition.
                                                 to build a reputation across the region.
          are working to create new technologies                                         By producing such items, I think we will
          to meet the growing needs of the armed   So as I said, since the beginning, we   have the competitive edge in the market.
                                                 were able to penetrate different markets
          forces and address the emerging chal-                                          And especially as as a neutral country,
          lenges facing the defence sector.      through selling or investing or collaborat-
                                                 ing with others. International partnerships   the neutral relationship we have with
                                                 play an influential and essential role in   the whole world in general gives us an
        Q: How far has Barzan Holdings come in   achieving the company’s overall mission   advantage.
        empowering the military capabilities of   and goals, which also help in enhancing
        Qatar as well as other militaries in the   the sovereignty of the State of Qatar.    Q: So how do you balance this requirement
        region?                                  So basically what we do as a company,   of the local domestic market as well as the
                                                 we don’t reinvent the wheel. This is why
          Barzan Holdings was officially estab-  we can invest in certain items of tech-  international market?
          lished in 2016, and was entrusted with the   nologies to produce certain things that   While export is one of our priorities,
          task of supporting the long-term devel-  are unavailable in the market and we   the main goal of building the defence
          opment of human capital and the armed   are kind of driven by the requirements   field is to meet the local requirement.
          forces, through global partnerships that   of the end user. However, we are trying   Sustainability of companies requires
          promote research and development, and   to commercialise any service or product   working on the concept of export, which
          investment in the development of inno-  that we may come up with to help inter-  represents one of our main goals... and
          vative technologies.                   national clients.                       we aspire to achieve it, whether at the
                                                                                         regional or international level. Our gov-
          Though we were to serve the Qatar armed   Q: What are some of the challenges you   ernment supports investments in the
          forces specifically, we were able to serve   face? How do you see competition, espe-  human cadre by attracting local and for-
          other security agencies within the coun-  cially in your region?               eign minds, and cooperation with inter-
          try. We also reached out to the different                                      national companies. Cooperations with
          international defence markets, where we   We believe it’s healthy competition,   many leading companies in the fields of
          have invested in companies in Europe,                                          defence and security enable the State of
          Turkey and Asia.                                                               Qatar to obtain the most innovative tech-
                                                                                         nologies and develop them, and create
                                                                                         the best practices to ensure self-suffi-
          Since then, the company has proven its                                         ciency in protecting the country’s land
          importance as a knowledge center and a                                         and people, and open the door to finding
          genuine contributor to the development                                         new and abundant sources of income
          of the new generation of defence industry                                      for the country.
          technologies, through its global projects
          and subsidiaries, and benefiting from the                                   Q. What is your unique selling proposition
          distinguished expertise in the fields of air,                               or USP?
          maritime and land security, cybersecuri-
          ty, training and consulting, and combat                                        I think the uniqueness comes from our
          systems to meet the requirements of the                                        agility. By having that, you will have ac-
          security and military sectors.                                                 cess to certain technology.

                                                                                      Q. What is the current market situation and
        Q: What are the main areas that Barzan                                        the way forward for you?
        Holdings is focusing on right now?
                                                                                         As you know, the defence sector in gen-
          So, basically we have these themes such                                        eral is moving because of conflicts, spe-
          as ammunitions and small arms. Under                                           cially in Ukraine. This creates a lot of
          the theme, we have many products and                                           opportunities, and opportunities come
          products from different companies. The                                         with challenges. Currently, I think most of
          second theme is basically the technolog-                                       the countries are facing such challenges.
          ical team where we are developing indig-                                       I think the market situation is booming.
          enous solutions to counter drones, for                                         Everyone has an opportunity now to prove
          example. And the unmanned capabilities                                         their accessibility to different areas.

        AZERBAIJAN INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXHIBITION 2024                                              SEPTEMBER-26-2024 5
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