Page 7 - ADEX 2024 - DAY 3
P. 7
companies in the world by 2030. with the Stinger joint production program business this year. We just added a new
about 30 years ago and continued with country for international offices. We are
Q. What are the ares of focus for Aselsan? the pedestal mounted Stinger (KMS) proj- focusing on international collaborations
ect. In this sense, Aselsan has achieved for our future with countries, especially
We are focused on developing new prod- the success of providing solutions in this in Middle East and the central Asia and
ucts that will support our global growth field to the armies of the world, especially in the East Europe and Africa and also
and help respond to emerging needs the Turkish Armed Forces, by producing in East Asian countries.
that have become increasingly important complete systems that include the three
with the new challenges in the battlefield. cornerstones of the air defence system, Collaborations and joint ventures are key
Unmanned systems are one of the top weapons, sensors and command control. for us. Building technology together is our
priorities. policy. We are always open to making
Our success and ambition in the fields of something together locally.
electronic warfare, radar, and air defence
Unmanned aerial vehicles, one of the have recently gained the support of our We have set a strategic roadmap for our
most notable outputs of the Turkish government, leading to the emergence technological improvement. Just to name
defence industry in recent years, have of the Steel Dome concept, with Aselsan a few of the future technologies we invest
attracted considerable attention in the in- at its core. The focus of the Steel Dome on, I can mention quantum computing.
ternational defence sector. We are one of will be on developing infrastructures that We are making long-term investments in
the top players in enhancing the capabili- will ensure the real-time and integrated quantum computing with the laboratory
ties of these systems with payloads such operation of the systems involved in air we have built in the fields of quantum
as electro-optical reconnaissance, sur- defence. communication, crypto side, quantum
veillance and targeting systems namely lidar and quantum radar.
Aselflir-500 and Tolun guided munitions. With its strong presence in this area, We are aiming to increase our interna-
Aselsan is receiving significant interest tional presence and marketing activities
Q. You are also investing heavily in air abroad and is signing international sales and value addition for users.
defence technologies. contracts.
So we are transforming from Turkish
Aselsan added air defence early warning Q. What can we expect from Aselsan in national defence to an international com-
and command control system (HERİKKS) the future? pany. We aim to become the third largest
and air defence radar products to its air defence company in the world by 2030…
defence system solutions, which started We are expanding our international we have now six years.