Page 6 - DSA 2024 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
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FN Herstal Aims for Bulls                                                     range of products at the show, including its
                                                                                      FN SCAR family of rifles with configurations
                                                                                      for every type of military or law enforcement
        Eye in Malaysian Market                                                       mission, light, medium and heavy machine
                                                                                      guns, along with handguns including the
                                                                                      new FN HiPer 9mm pistol. The new pistol
                                                                                      combines the best of current designs with
                                                                                      patented innovative features to give users
                                                                                      the best in ergonomics, reliability and safety.
                                                                                      FN Herstal is also showcasing its range of
                                                                                      integrated weapon systems for air, sea and
                                                                                      land platforms, including weapon stations
                                                                                      equipped with FN machine guns for tracked
                                                                                      and wheeled, manned  and unmanned
                                                                                      ground vehicles. Also being displayed is a
                                                                                      variety of small arms ammunition. Several
                                                                                      NATO standard calibres have been designed
                                                                                      by FN. The company also has a long history
                                                                                      of transferring technology and assisting
                                                                                      customers to set up, convert, or expand
                                                                                      ammunition production facilities.

                                                                                      Malaysia’s Armed Forces adopted FN
                                                                                      Herstal’s  FAL  (SLR)  rifle  and  the  FN
                                                                                      MAG machine gun in 7.62mm NATO, and
                                                                                      the Browning 9mm High Power pistol when
        Belgium-based FN Herstal is showcasing  sales office in Singapore.            they changed their small arms from WW2
        its portfolio of modern small arms at the                                     era equipment.  This close relationship
        ongoing Defence Services Asia (DSA) exhibi-  The Malaysian Armed Forces have had  continued later with the adoption of the
        tion and conference. FN Herstal has several  FN Herstal weapons in service for over 60  FN M2HB-QCB .50 Cal machine gun and
        customers in the Asia-Pacific region, and a  years. The Belgian firm is displaying a wide  the FN MINIMI light machine gun.

                                                                                      also promote the capabilities of Sirius
                                                                                      Design Laboratory Engineering Company,
                                                                                      an entity in which SDT acquired 40% stake
                                                                                      in December last year.

                                                                                      SDT is part of a sizable Turkish contingent
                                                                                      that is exhibiting at the show.  The event is
                                                                                      of crucial importance to the company as it
                                                                                      is taking place in the backdrop of growing
                                                                                      interest for Turkish arms not just in Malaysia
                                                                                      but across the region. A new report pub-
                                                                                      lished by the Stockholm International Peace
                                                                                      Research Institute (SIPRI) shows According
                                                                                      to a recent report by Stockholm International
                                                                                      Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Turkey is
                                                                                      now 11th on the list of top arms exporters;
                                                                                      the country’s weapons exports jumped by
                                                                                      106 percent from 2019-2023. In the same
                                                                                      period, its share of global arms exports
                                                                                      rose to 1.6 percent, from 0.7 percent during
          SDT Wows with Wide Range of Products                                         After closing 2021 with record-high ex-

                                                                                      port revenues of US$3.224 billion, Turkey
        Turkey’s SDT Space & Defence Technologies  Analysis System (ELINT), Guided Missile  set itself what ultimately proved to be a
        has brought a wide range of its products to  Simulator, Vehicle-type RF Jammer Systems,  conservative target of US4 billion in 2022.
        the ongoing show.                      Naval Wargame Simulator(NAWAS),  After a record high US4.4 billion in export
                                               ACMI Pod, Aircraft Interceptor Systems,  revenue by the end the year, the country’s
        Among the capabilities and products being-  Backpack  Type Jammer, Fox UAVand  revenue from arms exports touched US$5.5
        showcased by the company are RF Signal   Inertial Measurement Systems. SDT will  billion in 2023.

         6  MAY-06-2024                                                                          WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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