Page 10 - DSA 2024 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 10

        GIDS Seeking Partnerships

        in Malaysia, SE Asian Nations

        Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS)                                    advancing these projects diligently. Our
        believes in combining its strengths with                                        goal is to ensure that these advanced
        local expertise to innovate and produce                                         systems, along with the improved variants
        advanced defence solutions that cater to                                        of the Fatah and Burq missiles, meet the
        the specific needs of the region while also                                     highest standards of quality and perfor-
        contributing to the global defence land-                                        mance before they are operationalized.
        scape, says Asad Kamal, Chief Executive                                         We are working closely with our partners
        Officer, GIDS, in an exclusive interview with                                   and stakeholders to bring these innovative
        Jay Menon of Daily News.                                                        solutions to fruition in a timely manner.

                                                                                      Earlier this year, the company unveiled the
        How important are Malaysia and the DSA
        event for Pakistan and Global Industrial                                      Fatah-II multiple rocket launcher (MRL).
        and Defence Solutions?                                                        Could you please throw some light on this
          Malaysia and the DSA defence event are                                        I am proud to discuss the Fatah-II Guided
          pivotal for us. They provide a strategic                                      Multi Launch Rocket System (GMLRS), a
          platform to foster bilateral ties, show-                                      significant advancement in our defence
          case our defence capabilities, and pursue                                     capabilities. Unveiled earlier this year,
          technological advancements. The DSA’s                                         the Fatah-II is an upgraded Guided Multi
          global stage is crucial for expanding our                                     Launch Rocket System designed for pre-
          reach and securing partnerships that align   Asad Kamal, Chief Executive      cision and extended range. It boasts a
          with Pakistan’s defence vision and GIDS’s                                     280 km range with a (CEP) of less than
          growth objectives. It’s a unique opportuni-  Officer, Global Industrial &     50 meters, ensuring accuracy in striking
          ty for innovation exchange and business   Defence Solutions (GIDS)            strategic targets. The system is equipped
          development in the defence sector.                                            with advanced avionics and a sophisticat-
                                                 GIDS, we are actively engaging in part-  ed navigation system, making it a formi-
                                                 nerships, like our defence collaboration   dable addition to Pakistan’s conventional
        Several South East Asian countries aspire   with Turkiye to enhance our technological
        to develop bilateral ties with Pakistan.   capabilities. We’re also pioneering fu-  strike package.
        What is GIDS aiming to get from such     ture-ready solutions, including advanced
        cooperation?                             UCAVs and air defence systems, as part   Can you update us on the plans to further
                                                 of our commitment to global security and   enhance the Shahpar-II UAV platform by
          Our aim with the South East Asian coun-  defence preparedness. These initiatives   testing the Burq- II missile?
          tries is to forge strategic partnerships that   reflect our dedication to being at the fore-
          enhance defence capabilities and regional   front of defence technology and supplying   I am pleased to share that our commit-
          security. We aim to broaden our market,   our clients with cutting-edge solutions.  ment to advancing Pakistan’s defence
          share technological advancements and                                          capabilities continues with significant
          collaborate on R&D. These efforts are                                         developments in our unmanned aerial
          not only about expanding our business  GIDS’ future roadmap ranges from im-   vehicle (UAV) platforms.
          but also about contributing to a stable  proved variants of existing, mainstay   Our team is diligently working on the
          and peaceful international environment.  solutions – such as the Fatah-series of   Shahpar III Group 4 UCAV, a testament
          Through such collaborations, we seek to  surface-to-surface missiles (SSM) and   to our dedication to innovation and tech-
          establish a strong presence in the defence  Burq-series air-to-ground missiles (AGM)   nological advancement. The Shahpar III
          sector, ensuring mutual benefits and se-  – to newly revealed systems such as the   represents a major leap in our indigenous
          curity for all parties involved.     “Group 5 UCAV” or “LOMADS” SAM system.   drone capabilities, featuring enhanced
                                               Is there any fixed timeline for this?    endurance, operational ceiling, and weap-
                                                                                        ons carriage capacity. With two engine
                                                 GIDS roadmap is ambitious and for-
        What is your take on technological collab-  ward-looking. While specific timelines for   configurations available.
        oration? And what is GIDS doing on this   the deployment of systems like the Group   We are proud of these advancements
        front being a defence supplier?          5 UCAV or LOMADS SAM are subject to    and remain committed to contributing
          Technological collaboration is vital for   strategic considerations and develop-  to Pakistan’s self-sufficiency in defence
          innovation and progress in defence. At   mental progress, we are committed to   technologies.

        10  MAY-06-2024                                                                          WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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