Page 11 - DSA 2024 - DAY 1 | DAILY NEWS
P. 11

        Naval Defence is of

        Strategic Importance

        in the Region

         Murat İkinci, Chief Executive Officer, Roketsan

        During DSA, Roketsan will hold important   the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces,
        discussions on what the company can do   and mass production has now been
        to strengthen the naval defence of Malaysia   launched. The missile has high export
        and other countries in the region, Murat   potential, and has garnered interest in
        İkinci, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of   many regions around the world, especially
        Roketsan, tells Jay Menon of Daily News   in Southeast Asia. During the DSA event   production capacity to meet this demand.
        in an exclusive interview. The company   we will be holding important discussions   As Roketsan, we are the proud owners of
        will take rapid steps to meet the needs of   on what we can do to strengthen the naval   the necessary national production capac-
        these countries in the fastest way possible,   defence of Malaysia and other countries   ity in Türkiye in this field, with the ability
        he adds.                                 in the region, and we will take rapid steps   to export reliable solutions to friendly and
                                                 to meet the needs of these countries in   allied nations.
                                                 the fastest way possible.              There is a considerable international
        Malaysia and Türkiye can be considered                                          demand for our Short-Range Anti-Tank
        strategic partners. How do you evaluate                                         Weapon KARAOK, as well as such oth-
        Roketsan’s role in this partnership?   We understand that Malaysia has placed   er anti-tank systems and portable air

          Türkiye and Malaysia’s extensive and   an order for the Short-Range Anti-Tank   defence missile systems as SUNGUR.
          close relationship continues to develop   Weapon KARAOK, making it the first export   KARAOK, operated by a single soldier,
          in every field based on a sense of mutu-  customer of this system. When will deliv-  can very quickly neutralise armoured ve-
          al trust. Clear reflections of this can be   eries of these systems begin, and have   hicles in the field, including main battle
          seen particularly since the two countries   any other countries in the region shown   tanks, as a highly effective weapon that
          agreed to upgrade their relationship to   interest in KARAOK?                 has been developed based on superior
          the level of “Strategic Partnership” on   In recent times, the wars occurring in   technologies, and that has already gained
          January 10, 2014. Under this improved   various regions of the world once again   popularity with export as well as serial
          relationship, significant advances have   demonstrated the effectiveness of por-  production contracts.
          been witnessed also in the level of coop-  table air defence systems and anti-tank   In this context, we are continuing our ef-
          eration between the defence industries of   systems that led to a significant increase   forts to meet the needs of the Malaysian
          the two countries.                     in international demand for anti-tank   Armed Forces, one of our leading custom-
          Products developed by Roketsan are     weapons. However, there are few coun-  ers, in the best way possible. Deliveries of
          proving their worth in the field in many   tries in the world with the products or   KARAOK to the Malaysian Armed Forces
          geographies around the world, and we
          are today able to compete with the world
          giants in this field with products that out-
          perform their competitors in terms of
          quality, performance and price. Through
          the rocket, missile and weapon systems
          we have developed, we are able to meet
          all the needs of the Malaysian Armed
          Forces, one of the most powerful armies
          in the region, in this regard.
          Naval defence is taking on particular
          strategic importance in the region due
          to its geographical characteristics, and
          Roketsan is able to respond to needs
          with the state-of-the-art products it has
          developed in this field. Our ATMACA Anti-
          Ship Missile, one of our most popular
          products in this field, has already entered

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