Page 14 - DSA 2024 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 14

Cendana Auto Hopes to Pique                                                    carrier vehicles. We are currently finishing
                                                                                        our production line for these 30 vehicles
                                                                                        which will be delivered before August
         Malaysian Army Interest with                                                   this year.

         Magatti, Vektor                                                                Apart from mortar transport vehicles, we
                                                                                        have also delivered 49 weapons trans-
                                                                                        port units which can be equipped with
                                                                                        manually-operated machine guns, AGL
        Shahrinoldin Othman, Head of R&D and                                            (Automatic Grenade Launcher), and an-

        Manufacturing, Cendana Auto, talks about the                                    ti-tank guided missiles (ATGM).
        company’s goals for the Malaysian domestic market                             What can you tell me about your latest

        and its willingness to collaborate with companies from                        development?
        other Southeast Asian countries                                                 These two vehicles we are showcasing
                                                                                        are our newest vehicles. The black one
                                                                                        is called Magatti, which was actually
                                                                                        launched by the Malaysian defense min-
                                                                                        ister on the opening day of the show.
                                                                                        The tan-colored one is a troop transport-
                                                                                        er called Vektor, which was launched
                                                                                        by the Chief of the Malaysian Armed
                                                                                        Forces, also on the first day of the event.
                                                                                        Although there has yet to be an official
                                                                                        decision to adopt these two vehicles for
                                                                                        the Malaysian Army, we’re ready to test
                                                                                        them with potential buyers if deemed

                                                                                      What kind of 4x4 vehicle is Magatti?
                                                                                        Magatti is ideal for special forces oper-
                                                                                        ations although it still retains the ability
                                                                                        to carry up to 12 infantry. There are also
                                                                                        various options like gun mounts for ma-
                                                                                        chine guns, and smoke grenade  launch-
                                                                                        ers. There are also attachment points
                                                                                        for up to four M72 LAW (light anti-tank
                                                                                        weapons) for additional firepower. It has
                                                                                        a maximum range of 650 kms.

                                                                                        Magatti has been field-tested by some of
        Tell me about Cendana Auto, and the prod-  delegation of UN peacekeeping forces in   Malaysia’s premier special force units. We
        ucts that you’re featuring here?         Lumnan, Lebanon. 20 units have been sent   hope that it will soon join other vehicles
                                                 there since 2021, but although the rest
          Cendana Auto is 100% a local Malaysian   have been handed over to the Malaysian   in active duty officially.
          company, consisting of a number of engi-  army, they have still not been sent due to   Also, there are a couple of countries that
          neers from related industries, as well as   the current geopolitical conditions there.  have expressed interest. It is too early
          graduates from various universities and                                       to say anything as we are still only at
          vocational schools in Malaysia. This also   Especially for Malaysia’s domestic needs,   discussions level with them.
          includes those who come from similar   44 units with green paint are currently
          industries such as Proton, Produa and   being used by the Malaysian Army.
          others.                                                                     What’s your take on collaborating with
                                                 As many as 72 units of the mortar trans-  other defence industries in other ASEAN
          Founded in 2013, Cendana Auto was ini-  porter version have been delivered in  countries, like Chaiseri in Thailand, or PT
          tially engaged in vehicle repair. From 2016   2023.                         Pindad in Indonesia?
          to 2019, we started R&D regarding 4x4
          vehicles with.                       Heard there will be a repeat order for mor-  We’re still a relatively new company, com-
                                               tars and there will be additional mortar   pared to them. So we still need to improve
          From here we entered the government   carriers?                               ourselves a lot. Of course, if they’re open
          tender and won it with our 4x4 vehicles                                       for collaboration with us, we’re also will-
          such as FFR (Fitted For Radio) or Radio   That’s correct. There’s a follow-up contract   ing to do the same with them, especially
          Command Vehicles. 30 units of this vehi-  for 30 additional mortars which will also   since those companies are also what we
          cle have been produced for the Malaysian   include an equal number of our mortar   aspire to become.

        14  MAY-08-2024                                                                          WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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