Page 12 - DSA 2024 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 12

FNSS Displays PARS III 6x6

        with TEBER-II 30/40 RCT

        Turkish weapons firm FNSS is displaying its  km/h. The vehicle’s power pack architecture   effectively engage a wide range of threats
        PARS III 6x6 Armoured Fire Support Vehicle  is capable of being removed and installed   at distances exceeding four kms.
        equipped with a TEBER-II 30/40 Remote  in less than 60 minutes; this ensures ease   The PARS III 6x6 has a range of over 800
        Controlled Turret (RCT) also designed by   of maintenance, repair, and engine replace-  km and features fuel tanks equipped with
        FNSS. In addition to the TEBER-II 30/40   ment directly in the field.         special precautions against explosions and
        RCT, the PARS III 6x6 can be equipped                                         punctures. A spare fuel tank is located
        with manned or remotely controlled tur-                                       under the armour for emergency use. Run
        rets featuring a range of armaments, in-  Its turret is equipped with a 30mm du-  flats placed inside the wheels enable the
        cluding 7.62mm and 12.7mm machine      al-feed automatic cannon, which can be   vehicle to continue traveling even with flat
        guns, 25mm/35mm automatic cannons,     replaced with a 40mm barrel, while preserv-  tires. A central tire inflation system allows
        40mm automatic grenade launchers, 90mm   ing the main components and the stock.   the driver to adjust tire pressures based on
        cannons, and various types of anti-tank   Additionally, a 7.62mm coaxial machine   diverse terrain conditions. The hull of the
        systems.                               gun is mounted alongside the main gun.   PARS III 6x6 can be tailored to the desired
                                               Various Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM)   level of protection thanks to its modular
                                               systems can also be seamlessly integrated   armour systems. Specifically, designed hull
        The PARS III 6x6 Armoured Fire Support  into the TEBER-II 30/40 RCT system with  form, underbelly structure, base plates, and
        Vehicle can accommodate up to nine per-  two ready-to-fire ATGMs readily supported  mine-protected seats provide enhanced
        sonnel together with their equipment and  by the fire control system integrated into the  protection against high-level of mine threats
        is capable of reaching speeds of up to 100  turret. This capability enables the vehicle to  for the personnel.

                                               LUNAS Inks MoU with PT PAL Indonesia

                                               Malaysia’s Lumut Naval Shipyard Sdn  partnership to explore future collab-
                                               Bhd (LUNAS) inked a Memorandum of  orations in shipbuilding knowledge.
                                               Understanding (MoU) with Indonesian  LUNAS has built sophisticated vessels
                                               shipbuilder PT PAL Indonesia during the  for the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) in-
                                               opening day of the ongoing show. The two  cluding patrol vessels, Littoral Combat
                                               companies have entered into a strategic  Ships (LCS) and Littoral Mission Ships.

        12  MAY-08-2024                                                                          WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS
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