Page 13 - DSA 2024 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 13

Spotlight on H225M as                                                         of the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF)
                                                                                      fleet. Burhanudin Noordin Ali, Airbus Chief
        Malaysian PM Visits Airbus                                                    Representative for Malaysia, was also
                                                                                      In March this year, RMAF’s H225M fleet,
        Helicopters Booth                                                             known locally as EC725 Caracal, crossed a
                                                                                      major landmark by achieving 30,000 flight
                                                                                      hours – one of the highest in Asia-Pacific.
                                                                                      The service’s 12-strong H225M fleet has
                                                                                      been in service since 2012, with the heli-
                                                                                      copters being used for various exercises
                                                                                      and humanitarian missions, including flood
                                                                                      rescue and lifesaving operations.

                                                                                      Airbus Helicopters has an ironclad grip on
                                                                                      the Malaysian market, having delivered
                                                                                      about 50% of the 190 helicopters currently in
                                                                                      service throughout the country. The 11-met-
                                                                                      ric-tonne H225M helicopter has proven to
                                                                                      be popular across regions with 10 military
                                                                                      forces worldwide using more than 170 of
                                                                                      the type. Over 40 H225M helicopters are
                                                                                      currently on order. Apart from Malaysia, the
                                                                                      company has three other military customers
                                                                                      - Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand - in the
                                                                                      Asia Pacific region.
                                                                                      The H225M is capable of operating both
        As far as high-profile visits go, this one was  country’s Minister of Home Affairs Datuk  from ships and land, even in icing condi-
        right up there on the list.            Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail. Vincent  tions. It has an all-weather capability sup-
                                               Dubrule, Head of Asia Pacific at Airbus  ported by night vision goggle compatibility.
        After speaking at the opening ceremony of  Helicopters, gave the two dignitaries a  The helicopter, which is powered by two
        the ongoing show, Malaysia’s Prime Minister  detailed presentation about the merits of  Makila 2A1 turboshaft engines, has a 700
        Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim stopped by the  the combat-proven multi-role H225M he-  nautical mile range can be extended with air-
        Airbus Helicopters booth, along with the  licopter, which is one of the mainstays  to-air or hover in-flight refuelling capabilities.

        Malaysia to Get Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods

        Malaysia will buy 10 AN/AAQ-33 Sniper  proposed sale will support the foreign policy  future operational requirements.
        Advanced Targeting Pods from the United  goals and national security objectives of
        States. The proposed sale will improve  the United States by improving the security
        Malaysia’s capability to meet current and  of a key partner that is a force for political  According to the official, Malaysia will have
        future threats by modernising its current   stability and economic progress in the Indo-  no difficulty absorbing this equipment into
        F/A-18D platform with a common targeting   Pacific region. This proposed sale will also  its armed forces. There are no known offset
        pod.                                   mitigate future obsolescence concerns and  agreements proposed in connection with
                                               allow the Royal Malaysian Air Force to meet  this potential sale, the official informed.
        The U.S State Department has made a de-
        termination approving the possible Foreign
        Military Sale at an estimated cost of US$80
        million. The principal contractors will be
        Lockheed Martin and Boeing.

        The Defence Security Cooperation Agency
        delivered the required certification notifying
        Congress of this possible sale on May 6.
        The Government of Malaysia had requested
        to buy the  AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced
        Targeting Pods along with technical data
        and publications; personnel training; soft-
        ware and training equipment.

        According to a U.S. government official, the

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