Page 11 - DSA 2024 - DAY 3 | DAILY NEWS
P. 11

Spotlight on Chaiseri’s                                                       especially in the Southeast Asia, Kan replied:

        Armoured Vehicles                                                             “We are always open to collaboration with
                                                                                      other countries. We’re also always looking
                                                                                      for ways to support local defence industries
                                                                                      as well,” he further stressed that, “Many
                                                                                      countries in this region are still depen-
        Thailand’s defence land system company,  continued.                           dant on defence products from the U.S.,
        Chaiseri, has brought three of its First Win                                  Europe, and others for so long, so there is
        (FW) series armoured vehicles to the show.  “Then,  this  final  one  is  the  Armored   a lot of money outflow from here to those
                                               Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV). This ver-
        “We have these three 4x4 vehicles here.  sion has a very low profile with a maximum   countries.”
        First is the Armored Fighting Vehicle (AFV).  height of two metres. This version has a
        This vehicle has a front protection rated  driver seat in the middle, different from all   “Imagine if we can bring at least some of
        at STANAG level three with STANAG level  other variants.”                     this outflow back to this region (with col-
        two for the rest. This AFV version carries                                    laboration), this can be one of the most ef-
        the firepower of a (remotely-controlled) 30   When asked about collaboration with  fective ways for the countries in Southeast
        mm calibre gun,”  said Kan Koolhiran, Thai   defence companies in other countries  Asia to grow together.”
        Defence Industry (TDI) Managing Director.
        TDI was founded by Chaiseri and the coun-
        try’s Defence Technology Institute (DTI) in
        May 2022 to support Thailand’s defence
        products exports.
        “The next one is the Armored Personnel
        Carrier (APC) version. This vehicle can carry
        up to eleven personnel. We have produced
        hundreds of this version for Thailand’s
        military, and it has also been exported
        to Indonesia, Bhutan, and Malaysia,” he

        PTDI Showcases Presence                                                       With regards to PTDI’s track record in
                                                                                      Malaysia, the Royal Malaysian Air Force
        at DSA 2024, Opens Doors for                                                  (TUDM) has operated seven CN235 aircraft
                                                                                      produced by PTDI since 1999. PTDI not only

        Potential Contracts in Malaysia                                               caters to the fleet’s operational needs but
                                                                                      also provides after-sales services. This in-
                                                                                      cludes maintenance services for all aircraft
                                                                                      operated by TUDM and the fulfilment of the
                                                                                      Follow on Support (FoS) program, encom-
                                                                                      passing service activities and spare parts
                                                                                      provision for a specified duration.

                                                                                      In addition, in 2023, PTDI successfully mod-
                                                                                      ified three CN235 aircraft owned by TUDM,
                                                                                      transitioning them from a Military Transport
                                                                                      configuration to Maritime Patrol Aircraft
                                                                                      (MPA) under the USAid program. These air-
                                                                                      craft were returned to TUDM the same year.
        PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI), which is  of Commerce, Technology & Development,
        looking to expand its footprint in Malaysia,  the company’s participation in this exhibi-  At the international platform of the DSA
        has brought its entire range of products and  tion marks a strategic move to promote its  2024 exhibition, PTDI is showcasing vari-
        capabilities to the ongoing show, which is  homeland defence industry products on a   ous flagship products such as the CN 235-
        touted to be the largest gathering of the  global scale. It also presents an opportunity   220, NC212i, and N219 aircraft, alongside

        defence industry in the Asia Pacific region.  for PTDI to explore potential new contracts.  Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO)
        PTDI is representing Indonesia at the exhi-  “PTDI’s presence at DSA 2024 underscores   services in collaboration with its subsidiary,
        bition, alongside 10 other Indonesian com-  our commitment to expanding market   PT Nusantara Turbin & Propulsi (PT NTP).
        panies, under the umbrella of the Indonesia  reach, boosting sales, and seeking out   PTDI is also a key member of Defend ID,
        Defence Industries booth, organised by the  new contract possibilities, spanning aircraft   Indonesia’s Defence Industry Holding com-
        Indonesian Ministry of Defence.        products, after-sales services, and potential   pany, along with PT Len Industri (Persero),
                                               collaborations with partners,” stated Moh.  PT Pindad, PT PAL Indonesia, and PT
        According to Moh. Arif Faisal, PTDI’s Director   Arif Faisal.                 Dahana.

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