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McKinsey Warns of Talent Drain,                                               According to McKinsey, there are “three
                                                                                      clear and measurable reasons” for a lack
        ‘Gray-to-green’ Workforce Transition                                          of productivity among individual employ-
                                                                                      ees in the A&D sector – the skill gap, the
                                                                                      will gap, and the time gap. “Combined, the
                                               sector is behind adjacent sectors, including   skill gap, will gap, and time gap factors
                                               Automotive and Technology, in terms of the   are substantial and could cost the median
                                               strength of the employee value proposition,”   A&D company approximately $300 million
                                               Weddle, Senior Partner at McKinsey, and   to $330 million,” said Weddle and Voelker.
                                               Voelker, Associate Partner at the company,
                                               said. “Further adding to the challenge is that   The talent drain problem is compounded
                                               the A&D sector’s long running strengths   by the sector having to deal with an age-
                                               like risk aversion, strong intentional silos   ing workforce. “Globally, the A&D sector is
                                               for security reasons, and slow and steady   going through a “gray-to-green” workforce
                                               focus on programs, are starting to become   transition, driven by a wave of retirements
                                               detractors for talent.                 on the horizon,” the experts said. “Our pre-
              Voelker           Brooke
                                                                                      vious research highlighted that while the
        Aerospace and defence companies are    “For A&D companies, it’s becoming increas-  U.S. leads on this trend with about one-third
        losing highly coveted tech talent to other   ingly more difficult to compete with big tech   of industry employees aged 55 or older, in
        sectors and tech players, at potentially un-  companies and start-ups that have created   Europe, it’s closer to about one-fifth of the
        sustainable rates. Technology talent out-  strong value propositions that emphasize   industry. However, in Europe, a significant
        flows are twice the rate of inflows, says   the importance of innovation and the cre-  proportion of the A&D workforce is aged 50
        Brooke Weddle and Andy Voelker, subject   ation of leading-edge technologies that   to 54, approaching the retirement window.
        experts at McKinsey & Company.         change the world. This is a call to action   This trend is present among both highly
                                               for A&D companies around the globe,” they   skilled manufacturing trades and advanced
        “The general sentiment is that the A&D  said.                                 technical engineering professions.”

                                                                                      to show our commitment to advancing the
                                                                                      future of aviation through our innovative,
                                                                                      intuitive, AI-powered engineering solutions.”

                                                                                      Highlights of Altair’s participation at the
                                                                                      Farnborough Airshow 2024 include:

                                                                                      Sustainable Aviation through AI-Powered
                                                                                      Engineering Simulation Demos: Altair’s
                                                                                      AI-powered simulation solutions enable
                                                                                      aerospace engineers to solve complex
                                                                                      design challenges. By integrating AI into
                                                                                      design and simulation technologies, Altair
                                                                                      provides unprecedented insights and per-
                                                                                      formance improvements for aircraft design
                                                                                      and operations.

        Altair Highlights                                                             Efficient  Manufacturing  and  MRO  with
                                                                                      Intelligent Digital Twins Demos: The compa-
                                                                                      ny’s solutions utilize design and operational
        AI-Powered Engineering                                                        data to create intelligent digital twins that
                                                                                      enable real-time monitoring and predictive
                                                                                      maintenance, helping aerospace companies
                                                                                      improve safety, reduce costs, and extend
        At the Show, Altair is highlighting innova-  on sustainable aviation, the smart factory,   the life cycle of their aircraft.
        tions in engineering simulation, artificial  advanced connectivity, and digital engineer-
        intelligence (AI), and high-performance  ing efficiency.
        computing (HPC) that are transforming                                         For government agencies, primes, and
        aerospace engineering and production  “The power of computational intelligence  defense companies, Altair will showcase
        processes.                             is critical to moving the aerospace industry  solutions to navigate the evolving digital
                                               forward with improvements in safety and  landscape, build solutions at speed, take da-
        The company’s AI-powered engineering  reducing environmental impact,” said Dr.  ta-driven decisions, and deliver programs on
        solutions support the entire aerospace life  Pietro Cervellera, senior vice president of  time and on budget. Its Aerospace Startup
        cycle, from conceptual design and manu-  aerospace and defense, Altair. “Altair is the  Acceleration Program gives startups leading
        facturing to operational performance and  only company that provides the data science  design and data analytics solutions that
        maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO).  and rocket science know-how to take this  help them succeed in a competitive global
        Company officials are also sharing insights  industry to the next level. We are excited  market.

        FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW 2024                                                               JULY-22-2024 11
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